School Counselor

  • Meet Dan Escoto


    I am excited to be the school counselor at Mount Vernon Elementary. I will work to help students build positive social, emotional, and academic skills to succeed in the classroom and in life. It is an important role for the counselor to facilitate positive change and promote good behavior and attitudes. This is my first year as a school counselor and I am very excited for the opportunity and to be a part of the Mount Vernon family. I earned my bachelor’s in psychology from Florida State University and my master’s in counselor education with a specialty in school counseling from University of South Florida. I look forward to working with students and helping them on their path to becoming the best versions of themselves. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

    Our Guidance Program

    Every student at Mount Vernon will have a guidance lesson in their class focusing around the C2C word of the month. In addition to classroom guidance, our counselor also provides small group counseling on a referral basis. The groups are designed to help students with anger management, self-control, grief and social skills to name a few.

    Reach out to our School Counselor for how you can support his guidance lessons at home by connecting the lesson between home and school!

    Email Mr. Escoto









Meet Mr. Escoto