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Quick Must-Knows

Quick Must-Knows

Feb 4th:  Class Picture Day (all students must wear uniforms). More information will be shared at a later date.

February – 4 Meeting Credit Opportunities—The TBD Spirit Night has been cancelled.

***An additional meeting credit option is available for 5th grade families who attend the 6th Grade Expo Night if attending Thurgood Marshall or Madeira Beach Fundamental Middle Schools next school year.

  1. SAC Meeting via Zoom: 2/3
  2. Staff Luncheon Donations: Wed., 2/5 (Meeting credit available for those who donate a prepared dish.)Luncheon Signup

     3. Be My Valentine Dance: 2/7 (Meeting credit offered for volunteers only.)

      4. PCS Survey Completion between 2/3-2/16

    • Families may earn Feb. meeting credit for taking the 24/25 PCS Stakeholder Survey between the dates of 2/3-2/16. Upon completing the survey, parents will complete a form to be returned to the school no later than 2/17. No late forms will be accepted. The survey link is in a section below. The survey completion forms will be sent home on a pink piece of paper on 2/3.

       5.  5th Gr. families attending TMFMS or Madeira Beach Fundamental MS Next School Year ONLY

    • 2/26, 6pm @ Thurgood Marshall Fundamental MS Expo Night
    • 2/27, 5:30pm or 7pm @  Madeira Beach Fundamental MS Expo Night
    • Parents MUST sign the sign-in sheet at their respective school to receive credit.

Stakeholder Survey






Feb. 5th: 100th Day of School- Wedensday, 2/5 is the 100th day of school and students may dress up as 100-year-olds to mark the milestone in this school year. If students choose not to dress up, they should come to school in their uniform unless.

District Application Period for incoming kindergarten and outgoing 5th graders. More information can be found on