Mrs. Baker's Announcements
This is Principal Baker calling to welcome you to the week of January 5th. Happy New Year! It is my hope that the Winter Break was a time of joy and peace for you and your family.
· School will reopen tomorrow Monday January 6th
· Reminder can arrive at 8:15 AM. There is no adult supervision before 8:15AM. Before break we were seeing many students dropped off or arriving before 8:15 AM creating an unsafe condition.
· Please monitor the weather as we have had some cool days. Please send your child with a jacket on days when cool weather is in the forecast.
· Reminder Eisenhower is a uniform school. Please check our school website for uniform guidelines.
· Please send your child with their planner daily. We use planners as a way to communicate between school and home.
· Mark your calendar for Eisenhower’s Dinner and Student Led Conference Night January 22nd. Families will need to RSVP for dinner. Look out for the flyer coming home this week with your student.
Looking Ahead
1/6 Schools Reopen
1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (Schools Closed)
1/22 Student Led Conference Night (Dinner Provided)
1/30 Spring Picture Day
1/18 Report Cards go home
2/5 Ready Set Kindergarten 6-7pm
Remember school will reopen tomorrow January 6th. That’s it for now! As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or good news to share, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Hasson ( or myself ( We love hearing from you!