School Hours: Monday - Friday - 8:45am - 2:55pm
Office Hours: Monday - Friday - 7:30am - 3:30pm
Phone: (727) 893-2147
School Mission: The Northwest School Community is dedicated to building relationships that encourage the development of academic success, emotional intelligence and strong caring citizens in a safe learning environment.
Guideline for Success:
Click here for the the flyer in English and Spanish! We need you! Volunteers, mentors, tutors, speakers, School Advisory Council members, family Engagement, Community Partnerships and more!
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Math Night!
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Aquarium Field Trip - Gr. 3-5
School tours are offered upon request.
Please call Karen Colon at (727) 893-2147 Ex. 2001