Teaching and Learning


    What does board policy say about teaching and learning?

    (1) Pinellas County Schools is committed to creating systems that result in highest achievement for each student. Each system reflects an integrated management approach and ensures that principles of quality and continual improvement are systematically and consistently applied to the operation of Pinellas County Schools. In an integrated management system all components that make up our organization (leadership, aim, customer requirements, goals and measures, results, processes, human resources, and information systems) are linked and interdependent. These seven integrated components are essential in creating a high performing student, classroom, school, and school district.
    The dynamic relationships that exist among these components work together to improve the results of Pinellas County Schools.

    (2) The Classroom Learning System

    (a) In order to attain highest achievement for each student, teachers must create, manage, and continually improve classroom learning systems using the seven components of Baldrige for high performance. Each classroom learning system must be aligned with the school, district, and state requirements. Each school and district system must be aligned to support the classroom learning

    (b) Central to a classroom learning system is the key process of aligning curriculum, instruction, assessment, and improvement (CIAI). Supporting this key process are the other components of classroom leadership: aim, customer requirements, goals and measures, results, human resources, and
    information systems.

    (3) The Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Improvement Key Process

    (a) Elements of the curriculum, instruction, assessment, and improvement (CIAI) process are defined as:

    1. Curriculum–what students need to know and be able to do in a variety of subjects
    2. Instruction–best practices of teaching
    3. Assessment–measures of student progress
    4. Improvement–actions based on data that lead to improved teaching and learning

    (b) The alignment of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and improvement (CIAI) ensures an opportunity for all students to learn at high levels. The four components (CIAI) of a high performing teaching and learning system are interdependent and aligned within a larger district integrated management system.

    (4) Beliefs About Teaching and Learning - Pinellas County Schools believe that:

    (a) All students are capable of achieving excellence through the use of a variety of teaching strategies, resources, and assessments in an engaging and collaborative environment.

    (b) Highest student achievement occurs when students are provided an environment in which they
    1. given high expectations
    2. engaged in meaningful learning
    3. immersed in a variety of learning situations
    4. provided with demonstrations
    5. empowered to make responsible decisions
    6. provided time to practice
    7. allowed to try and make improvements
    8. given frequent feedback
    9. supported and feel intellectually and emotionally safe

    (c) The instructional process will be adapted to improve learning based on student expectations and ongoing assessment.

    (d) Schools can optimize the learning environment for all students by aligning curriculum, instruction, assessment, and improvement (CIAI) within the context of an integrated
    management system.

    (e) The aim of highest student achievement can be attained if supported by:
    1. a high performing work force (See 8.62 Teacher Professional Expectations)
    2. a safe learning environment
    3. effective and efficient operation, e.g., partnerships, high performing work force, integrated management systems and accountability systems.


    Teacher Professional Expectations

    (1) Highest Student Achievement: Standard and Teacher Professional Expectations
    (a) Standard

    1.0 Standard: The teacher is an educational leader who understands and demonstrates the use of
    the Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Improvement (CIAI) model to maximize educational achievement for all students.

    (b) Teacher Professional Expectations

    1.1 Demonstrates knowledge of subject matter and understands central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structure of the discipline(s) he /she teaches and makes the subject matter meaningful to students.
    1.2 Demonstrates an understanding of how children learn and provides learning opportunities
    that support intellectual, social, and personal development of diverse learners.
    1.3 Develops a culture of openness, fairness, mutual respect, support and inquiry.
    1.4 Uses teaching and learning strategies that reflect each student’s culture, learning style, special needs, and socio-economic background.
    1.5 Uses formal and informal assessment strategies to determine whether students have achieved high standards and modifies instructional strategies as needed to maximize achievement.
    1.6 Utilizes student information systems to plan instruction and ensure that every student masters essential knowledge and skills as outlined in the Sunshine State Standards (SSS) and Pinellas County Schools Student Expectations (PCSSE).
    1.7 Engages every student in relevant age or grade-level appropriate learning experiences that promote his/her performance.
    1.8 Listens and interacts effectively with students, parents, colleagues, and community members, respecting diverse perspectives.
    1.9 Seeks resources necessary to achieve classroom and school goals.
    1.10 Uses classroom processes that support effective teaching and learning to promote high student achievement.
    1.11 Uses appropriate technology in teaching and learning processes.

    (2) Safe Learning Environment: Standard and Teacher Professional Expectations
    (a) Standard

    2.0 Standard: The teacher is an educational leader who works collaboratively to ensure a working and a learning climate for all students that is safe, secure, and respectful of diversity.

    (b) Teacher Professional Expectations
    2.1 Develops a climate and culture of openness, fairness, mutual respect, support and inquiry.
    2.2 Establishes and maintains a safe and secure classroom environment.
    2.3 Manages student misconduct promptly and resolves conflict and crises effectively.
    2.4 Demonstrates respect for students, colleagues, administrators, and parents.
    2.5 Models and reinforces self-discipline and responsibility.
    2.6 Works effectively with school colleagues, parents, and the community to support students’ learning and well being.
    2.7 Promotes independent and collaborative work ethic.

    (3) Effective and Efficient Operation: Standard and Teacher Professional Expectations
    (a) Standard

    3.0 Standard: The teacher is an educational leader who uses a Baldrige based system to effectively and efficiently organize and manage the classroom to maximize highest student achievement.

    (b) Teacher Professional Expectations
    3.1 Provides professional leadership to establish a culture conducive to learning and student diversity, involves students in the development of a mission and goals that support the SIP and guide classroom decisions, and uses data for continual improvement.
    3.2 Develops and implements a strategic planning system.
    3.3 Understands customer expectations of the state, district, school, and next grade level and maintains positive customer relations. Teachers are to follow School Board policy.
    3.4 Systematically obtains information and analyzes classroom results.
    3.5 Develops and manages human resources within the classroom.
    3.6 Develops and manages instructional and operational processes with the students to create a high performing classroom learning system.
    3.7 Demonstrates positive classroom results and trends.