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Who do you like better: 2 Chainz or Drake?

By: Christopher Anderson | JHT Writer

     Today, March 5th, I interviewed some 6th grade students named Euille Roberts, De'maina Robinson, Jon Smith, Shamiyah Watson, and Nae'asia Wyman to see which rap artist they thought was better; 2 Chainz or Drake. Euille and Shamiyah said 2 Chainz because of his music. De'maina said she like 2 Chainz because of his name. Jon Smith said he liked Drake better because he's made more music and is more experienced since 2 Chainz is a newer artist, but Nae'asia chose 2 Chainz, saying he was "All that and a bag of chips." And although it seems 2 Chainz won this contest, I like Drake better. Especially because of his song "Started From the Bottom."

Drake  2chainz