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A Poet On Poetry

Poetry In Motion             


JHop Times Literary Critic

            “I can stand so little in the world, but without the words of a poet I would no longer be in this world” – Unknown

            “Poetry, like jazz, is one of those dazzling diamonds of creative industry that help human beings make sense out of the comedies and tragedies that contextualize our lives.”- Aberjhani


A rhyme doesn’t make a poem, syllables don’t make beauty, and the effort and the imagination create the words that only poets can master. Poetry is our life. As a child, didn’t you ever hear bedtime rhymes? Ever sing “Ring-around-the-Rosy” with friends? In school, you were never told a cleanup song? Never read a Dr. Seuss book?

            Poetry has created worlds that are hidden underneath the words; they are secret passageways where we can escape to a place filled with pure happiness. In other words, a place of gum drop fairies and candy cane lanes. Have you ever heard a song where every other word rhymes?

            There are people in the world who understand the love of poetry, and others who insult people with it.

          Poetry speaks the truth.

            “I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.”- Edgar Allan Poe

            It adds insult to injury.

                        “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I am not sure about the universe.”- Albert Einstein

            It can make people smile.

                        “If I say I am a wise man, then it means that I don’t know.”- Kansas Carry on my Wayward son

            Poetry isn’t always about smile and rainbows. It isn’t always beauty at its best, or tragedy at its worst. Shakespeare wrote mostly tragedies and he is now one of the most known poets out there. Edgar Allan Poe only wrote horror and tragedy. Words can hurt, more than actions. Words can ruin the lives of people.

Poetry can lighten up days and even give the darkest times light. That is what poetry truly is. It is the words of great people written down and read by others.