GED Process

  • How do I start the GED process?

    First, decide if you want to take morning or evening classes.  Then decide which one of our locations works best for you.  Go to that location and register.  You must present a legal photo ID and pay $45 tuition at time of registration.  You will then be given the CASAS GOALS test.  You can't fail this test, so don't worry.  This test tells us where your strengths are, and in what areas we can help.  Please allow at least 3 hours on your first visit to register, complete the CASAS GOALS test, and meet with a counselor, teacher and/ or administrators.

    Next, we will create lessons for you based on how you have done on the CASAS GOALS test.  You will then complete work and show mastery in the 4 subject areas of the GED test:  Science, Social Studies, Math, and Reading/Language Arts.

    After your lessons are complete, you will take pre-GED level practice tests, including the computer-based official "GED-Ready" practice tests, all to make sure you are ready for "the real thing."


    What happens when I'm ready for the test?

    When your teacher believes you are ready, they will explain to you how to register for the GED test.  Registration for the GED Test is done and fees are paid online.  The actual test is administered only at designated locations on specific dates.  The fee is $32.00 per section with a total of four sections:  Science, Social Studies, Math and Reading/Language Arts.  To take the entire test, the total cost is $128.00.  You do not have to take all four sections of the test at once.  We recommend you start with your strongest subject and take one test at a time.  Since the GED test is now done on the computer, you will know within a few hours if you have passed.  Once you have passed one subject, you can then move on to the next until you have passed all four sections.

    The official GED exam is only given on certain test dates at specific locations in Pinellas County.  You must pre-register through the official GED Website.

    You must present a current, legal photo ID at the testing center in order to take the test.  Ask your teacher to make sure you have what is required.


    What happens after the test?

    After you are done with your classes and have passed all four sections of the GED exam, you will have the option to receive a copy of either your diploma or your transcripts at no charge.  Additional copies of either one can be ordered through the Florida GED Office for a small fee.  As a graduate, you will also be invited to celebrate your achievement at the Countywide Graduation Ceremony held each year in the Fall where you will get to wear a cap and gown and proudly walk across the stage.

    Please call 727-221-5395 for further information.