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Car Circle Pick-up and Drop-off Map

Morning Car Circle Update
Thank you parents for working hard to get your students to school on time. As always it is great to see students on time to start the day, and eager to learn alongside their classmates. Please remind your child to have their mask on while waiting to unload so they are prepared to move as soon as the door opens. Remember parents to please stay in your car at all times while you drop your child off, it is for every ones safety, and also allows the car circle to flow without the stop and go of getting out of your vehicle. We also want to remind you to please pull all the way forward in the car circle drop off to allow as many kids to unload as possible at a time. As always we have a no cost breakfast available every morning for students and encourage them get some, its good for them, and helps to wake their brains up for learning. Together we can help keep our kids safe, and have them prepared for the day.


Car Circle Map

Please refer to the map below to see the flow of our car circle in the morning and afternoon. Remember the safety of everyone is our number one concern, and with your help following this traffic flow we can make sure that everyone is safe.


car circle map