Take it from A Teen Video Challenge
By EditorDecember 12, 2017AddThis Sharing ButtonsWath a video by clicking on the image above
Safe Kids and program sponsor General Motors are joining together for an opportunity for high school students who reside in an area with a local Safe Kids coalition. The Take it From a Teen video challenge is a chance for teens to share their wisdom on safe driving and passenger practices from the first time their parents turned their car seat forward facing. Plus, teens could win $100 or even $1,000!
The teen applicant will create a 60-second video that answers one of the following questions:
- How would you tell your friends to slow down while driving?
- How would you tell your friends to buckle up?
- How would you tell your friends to not text and drive?
- How would you tell your friends to not drive under the influence?
- How would you tell your friends to not drive with too many teens and not enough seat belts in the vehicle?
All you must do is film a video answering one of these questions and submit it to your local Safe Kids coalition by February 1. Each local coalition will choose a local winner who will receive $100. Then, all the winners will be sent to Safe Kids Worldwide, who will convene a panel and choose a grand prize winner to receive $1,000! The national winner will be contacted on March 23, 2018. Also, our professional film crew will travel to the winner’s hometown to professionally recreate the video and then promote the video on our national social media channels.
Want to know how you’re going to be graded? The Take it From a Teen video challenge submissions will be judged on the following criteria on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. Note: you will be judged primarily on the content and the persuasive messaging, you will not be judged on the quality of your video. The national winner will have their video professionally filmed. It is fine to film on a phone.
Contest Rules
- Appropriate language or gestures
- Only showing safe actions, and not dangerous activities
- Appropriate dress
- Team entries are allowed (prizes must be shared)
We hope to see a lot of great, fun, creative, humorous, interesting videos. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Good luck!