What is the Azalea PTA?
The Azalea PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a non-profit organization which serves to support the students, teachers and staff at Azalea Elementary. The number one reason to join the PTA is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help your school.
Who can join the PTA? Everyone! Families, teachers, administrators, staff, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, even businesses can join the PTA.
How do I join the PTA? Click on the member hub link below or ask the front office for a form and return with $5. Membership does not require that you attend PTA meetings. However, only paid members can vote on budget changes and board members, without an approved budget or an elected board we cannot survive!PTA General Meetings are held 3-4 times a year. Everyone is welcome to attend and take part in meeting discussions and activities.
In addition to our general meetings, the PTA also hosts many fun annual events held throughout the school year open to all Azalea families.
Stay connected on the Azalea Elementary PTA Facebook page:
Join the PTA today!
What does the Azalea PTA do?
Here is a glimpse of the activities, programs and services organized or supported by Azalea PTA:
Uniform Exchange
Boo Hoo ‘Coffee Talk’
Birthday Club
Class Parent Program
Spirit Sales
PTA Fall Fundraiser (Spring if necessary)
Teacher/School Mini Grants
Trunk or Treat
Family Dance
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheons and Gifts of Gratitude
Family Nights: Astro Skate, Scholastic Book Fair Family Night, Holiday Movie Night, Pool Party
Sponsors Family Engagement: Grandparents Day, Donuts for Dad, Read to My Sweetie, Mother’s Day Tea
Supports PE Fundraiser/Field Day, 5th Grade Fundraiser/Graduation, Safety Patrol, and All Pro Dads
How do we do it all? With your help, of course!
As you can see Azalea PTA does a LOT of great stuff, but we need a LOT of help to do it all! We encourage each of you to consider volunteering. There are many ways you can help: assisting in the classroom, serve as class parent, work on projects from home, support our fundraiser/make a direct donation, and donate time or goods at one of our many evening events. There are many worthwhile ways to step up and get involved! The more our families get involved, the more successful and enriched our school becomes. Please share your talents and time with us whenever and however you can!
To get more information, contact our Family and Community Liaison, Cynthia James at jamesc@pcsb.org
PTA Executive Board
President – Erica Posno
Vice President – Kelli Bain
Treasure – Christina Platt
Secretary – Jedzel Ramos
Teacher Representative - Markelle Rangel
Support Representative – Cynthia James
Chair Member - Janna Angell
Chair Member – Stephanie Frye
PTA Contact E-mail: pta.azaleaelementary@yahoo.com