August 11, 2024 Callout
Good evening Jaguar Families,
Thank you again for making Thurgood Marshall Fundamental Middle School your choice! We are excited to kick off the new school year tomorrow and look forward to the opportunities to help all students grow academically and socially during the 2024-2025 school year. We ended strong last year with improvements and growth in every academic area which earned us an A for our school grade. We will continue pushing student acceleration and academic excellence each and every day through our shared partnerships, engaging lessons, and strong positive culture and learning environment.
Please make sure to read through the Weekly Updates email which contains information pertaining to school hours, parent drop off and pick up with a car circle map, schedule change request form processes, PTSA membership opportunities, student dress code, volleyball tryouts, PE Uniform and Lock sales, 7th Grade Immunization, Cell Phone Policy, and student 1st Day schedule pick up.
We are so looking forward to partnering with you to ensure every student finds their path to academic excellence during the 2024-2025 school year.
If you have any questions, please call the school at 727-552-1737 during normal operating hours.
Have a great rest of your weekend, thank you for your time, and Go Jaguars!
Monday, 8/12 is an A Day – Periods 1-4
Monthly Meeting Calendar - Will be updated as new events are scheduled
24.25 TMFMS Meeting Calendar.docx
Upcoming Events (*denotes opportunity for parent meeting credit)
8/12 – 1st Day of School for all Students
8/19 – Volleyball Tryouts Begin – 8:00am
NOTE - 3 Days of Tryouts 8/19, 8/20, 8/22
8/23 – Final Day for Schedule Change Request Forms
*9/12 – Back to School Night/Open House
9/16 – Student and Staff Picture Day
Updates and Information:
Student Schedule Pick Up – 8/12
Upon student arrival on 8/12, all students’ 1st Period Classes will be posted on charts in the main hall.
- Charts are labeled by Grade Level and by Grade Level Color
- Students will find their last name
- In the row of student last name, a Teacher Name and Room # will be listed
- Students will report to that Room # and receive an additional printed schedule
- Student should write their daily schedule inside their student planner
Schedule Change Request Process
- Starting Thursday, August 15th, students could pick up a course change form in room 5-126, 5-226, or 4-226. (These are the Grade Level Offices)
- Students must take the form home and work with their parent/guardian to complete the request form.
- Students must return the completed form to room 5-126, 5-226, or 4-226. (These are the Grade Level Offices)
- The counselors will work on course change requests as quickly as possible. Students will be called to their school counselor’s office once the request has been completed.
- The final day to turn in Schedule Change Request Forms to the Counselor’s Office is 8/23.
Please keep in mind that some courses may be full. Also, core and required classes have priority. We will do our best to accommodate all requests.
Creating a partnership with families, students, teachers, staff, and local community members will continue to support the growth and academic excellence at Thurgood Marshall Fundamental Middle School. Show your support and become a member of our PTSA by clicking this link: JOIN HERE - Givebacks
PE Uniforms
PE uniforms can be purchased through the gym class Teachers from 8/12 through 8/23
- Cost - $13.50 per Set
- Shirts - $6.50
- Shorts - $7
- Cash, Money Order, and Check will all be accepted for purchases
- Checks must have a valid telephone number written on it to be accepted
Locks and Lockers
6th and 7th Grade Locker Numbers are printed on student schedules
8th Graders will have a dedicated day to select their locker outside of the 8th Grade Hall
- Locks can be purchased through Mrs. Newsome, School Bookkeeper, every morning in the main hall from 8/12 – 8/16
- Cost Per Lock is $6
- Locks Purchased last year or the year before are still fine to use and a new lock is not required to be purchased
- Non-School Issued Locks purchased outside of this school will not be permitted and will have to be cut off the locker.
- State Law Requires School Administrators to have access to all school lockers
7th Grade Immunizations
*Required Immunizations going into 7th Grade
The State of Florida requires students entering the 7th grade to have the TDAP (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) booster before the first day of school in August.
- Contact your child’s pediatrician for an immunization appointment.
- The Florida Department of Health provides required immunizations at NO COST, and
- Turn in your FL Certificate of Immunization (form 680) to your school’s Data Management Technician, in the front office, before school starts in August.
VOLEYBALL Tryouts for Boys and Girls – 8/19, 8/20, and 8/22
- Tryouts begin on 8/19 at 8:00 am (8:15 is the latest time for admittance into tryouts)
- 3 Days of tryouts – 8/19, 8/20, and 8/22
- The required paperwork is listed below and must be complete prior to tryouts
- Contact Coach Gummo ( and Coach DeLeone ( with any question
Athletics at Thurgood Marshall – This is the first year that Fundamental Schools in Pinellas County are able to host sports teams. This is an exciting new venture and we know this will help propel our school to the next level while providing the needed student experience for all. The following opportunities will be provided to both boys and girls at Thurgood Marshall during the 2024-2025 school year:
- Boys and Girls Track and Field
- Boys and Gilrs Volleyball
- Boys and Girls Basketball
- Boys and Girls Track and Field
- Boys and Girls Flag Football
- Cheerleading
Thurgood, students must have the following to participate in any capacity with athletics:
- School Insurance
- Doctor's Physical
- Middle School Activity Form
- 2.0 GPA or higher
- Great Attitude!!!!
- The dress or grooming of a student should be neat and clean and not disruptive to the classroom atmosphere, educational process, or unusually distracting to others.
- Students should wear clothing as designed to be worn; pants and skirts must be worn at waist level.
- Students violating the dress code will be sent to the office to call their parents and request a change of clothing, when necessary.
- The student may be issued a detention for repeated violation of the dress code policy. Repeated violations are considered defiance and may result in a referral to the school’s Intervention and Appeals Committee.
The administration shall be the final judge as to the neatness and cleanliness of wearing apparel and whether such apparel is appropriate, disruptive, distracting, or in violation of health and safety rules
Fundamental Dresscode
- Dresses or Skirts: Knee Length, No Shorter Than 3” Above Knee.
- Top of the Slit in a Skirt May Be No More Than 3” Above Knees.
- Shirts, Blouses, and/or Sweaters for Both Boys and Girls Must Cover the Midriff.
- While hoodies hare permitted to wear, the hood shall never be worn on campus
- Athletic Shoes, Sneakers, and Shoes with Heels and/or Straps
- All Shoes Must have a Permanent Back
- Pants, Jeans, and Slacks are all permitted
- no holes, rips, tears, or frays
- Uniform style shorts are solid in color with a canvas material like khakis
- Clothing As Outlined in Announcements for Special Events
- Sleeves Are Required for Both Girls and Boys
- No Hats, Visors, bandannas, sunglasses, or head coverings
- No non-uniform shorts, athletic shorts, PE shorts, or cargo style shorts
- No Dresses, Shirts, or Blouses that Bare the Midriff
- No Culottes or Skorts Worn More Than 3” Above the Knee
- No Tank Tops or Sleeveless Tops
- No Flipflops, Crocs or Similar Style Shoes, Sandals or Shoes Without Back Straps
- No See-Through Clothing
- No Halter Dresses or Tops with Plunging Necklines
- No Clothing or Vintage-Style Jeans with Holes, Cuts, Rips, Tears (Even If No Skin Is Visible)
- No Sunglasses Inside (cannot be worn on head as an accessory)
- No Visible Body Piercing (Except Ears)
- No Clothing Disruptive to The Learning Environment
- No Exposed Tattoos (Real or Drawn)
- No Neck Collars, Dog Collars, or Other Heavy Chains
- No Clothing and/or Jewelry Depicting Profanity, Violence, Weapons, Sexually Suggestive Signs or Symbols, Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol, or Cult Gang Groups, Clubs, Organizations, Activities
- No Pajamas, Sleepwear, Slippers, or Other Pajama Type Attire
- No Pencil Skirts, Spandex/Form Fitting Pants, Or Leggings, jeggings, or athletic spandex pants
- No Pants Rolled Up or Above the Ankle.
Cell Phone Policy – Phones are to remain away all day.
Phones that are out in any school setting can be confiscated and provided to the front office where a parent will have to pick up. Phones that are confiscated will not be handed back to students at the end of the day. Students may use phones in the morning as they wait to enter the building, but once they enter for breakfast, the phones are put away. Students are also permitted to use phones after school ends as they wait for buses and parent pick up.
School Hours and Parent Car Circle for Daily Drop Off and Pick Up
School Hours – Student hours are from 9:40 – 4:10 Monday through Friday
- Students can be dropped off by parents in the car circle located behind the school off of 19th Ave South. The car circle is the best place for student drop off and pick up to ensure their safety.
- Students should not arrive to campus before 9:10 each day.
- Students will be permitted to enter campus at 9:10 each morning where they will report to the cafeteria for breakfast.
- Students must be picked up by 4:40 each afternoon.
- If students are participating in any ELP, Tutoring, Enrichment, or club opportunities, they must be picked up by 5:15pm.
Car Circle Map - TMFMS Car Circle Map (1) (002).jpg
See the attached link for a map of the car circle and surrounding streets: