School tours are available in person. Please sign up here to schedule a date.
Use the link to request a date for your prospective CGS student to shadow. In order to protect the learning environment, space it limited!
The Family E-Learning Coaching Team provides free computer technology service and education.
Use this QR code to download a copy of the Student Code of Conduct for Pinellas County Schools.
An hour of student-written scenes and improv, Thursday February 27th and Friday Feb 28th 7pm. $3 general admission. Snacks and drinks also for sale.
This is the first year that Fundamental Schools in Pinellas County are able to host sports teams. Several sports will be available for both boys and girls at Thurgood Marshall during the 2024-2025 school year.
Yearbooks are $38, available for purchase until 3/31. There will be VERY limited quantities for sale when delivered in May.
8th Grade Activities letter - learn about Gradventure, the 8th grade formal, and end of school events!
Earn your high school health and PE credit with Pinellas Virtual School!
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Theater 2 Production
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Theater 2 Production