February 2, 2025 Callout
Great evening Jaguar Families,
This past week was amazing and we have much to celebrate as a school community. Our Boys basketball team made it to the second round of the PCAC playoffs and finished their 1st ever season with great success. Our Art Department celebrated 4 amazing artists for earning recognition in the 2025 Pinellas County Art Region of The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, and 9 student leaders from our Gifted, Fundamental, and ACCESS programs collaborated with other Pinellas County Leadership groups at the Middle School Generation Lead Summit at USF St. Petersburg to problem solve and look towards the future in Pinellas County Schools.
Our week was capped off with spectacular performances, websites, documentaries, and project displays at or 2nd Annual National History Day Fair. Our dedicated students persevered through months of research, thesis development, and articulation of how historical events or figures can mold our society today. Our National History Day Fair, was a true testament to the academic excellence put forth by our scholars every day and 27 of these highly intellectual individuals will be representing Thurgood Marshall Fundamental Middle School in the 2025 Pinellas County Schools National History Day. Congratulations on this achievement and high distinction.
As always, if you have any questions, please call the school at 727-552-1737 during normal operating hours.
Have a great rest of your weekend, thank you for your time, and Go Jaguars!
Please Follow Thurgood Marshall MS on our NEW Social Media Sites:
Monday, February 3rd is a B Day – Periods
Events/Updates/Meetings (*denotes a meeting credit being offered)
*2/4 –Jaguar Journey – Virtual Parent Meetings @ 10am and 3pm
* Fundamental Students are identified by historic ELA Reading Data
* Meeting Links have already been sent to pre-identified Fundamental student families
* Meetings will be used to support Fundamental families with at home supports
2.4.25 @ 10AM |
2.4.25 @ 3pm |
Microsoft Teams Need help? Meeting ID: 211 551 854 392 Passcode: XF6aK7gB |
Microsoft Teams Need help? Meeting ID: 260 898 602 496 Passcode: RR9wH2FN
2/6 – Track and Field Meet - @ Gibbs HS – 4:45
*2/10 – SAC/Learning Lab – TMFMS Café @ 6pm
2/13 – Track and Field Meet - @ St. Pete HS – 4:45
2/20 – Track and Field Meet - @ Lakewood HS – 4:45
*2/24 – PTA Meeting – TMFMS Café 6pm
3/17 – 3/21 – SPRING BREAK – All PCS Schools Closed
3/31 – Flag Football Season Begins
* Specific dates for tryouts and practice will be provided
* Start date will be determined based on whan track season officially ends
3/31 - 4/7 – Writing Assessments for all ELA Classes
* Specific teacher testing days will be provided
5/16 – Gradventure – 8th Grade Field Trip (2pm-2am)
* Tickets are now cheaper. We have updated our flyer to reflect the new price.
* Thank you to those that helped support or Color Run fundraiser as this has helped to lessen the cost for families OLD Price $190 ------ NEW Price $175
*If you have already purchased your ticket, please see Ms. Newsome for a refund of the difference.
5/24 – 8th Grade Formal Dance @ USF St. Pete (5pm-8pm)
5/29 – 8th Grade Breakfast and Graduation Parade
NEW – Track and Field Tryouts and Practice Schedule
Thurgood, students must have the following to participate in any capacity with athletics. Students are not eligible to tryout for any sport until all paperwork and proof of insurance is complete:
- School Insurance https://www.pcsb.org/Page/15271
- Doctors Physical
- Middle School Activity Form https://www.pcsb.org/Page/40658
- 2.0 GPA or higher
- Great Attitude!!!!
- NOTE: If all paperwork has been turned in for another sport this school year, that student is already eligible and do not need to resubmit anything.
Track and Field Tryouts:
- Boys and Girls will tryout from 8:00am – 9:25am
- Meet Coaches at the entrance of the school
- Tryouts are Monday 1/27, Tuesday 1/28, and Thursday 1/30
Practice Schedule:
Practices will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00am – 9:25am
- Students will need to meet the coaches at the front entrance of the school
BOYS: Please contact Coach DeLeone at deleonea@pcsb.org or Coach Johnson at johnsonkie@pcsb.org with any questions
GIRLS: Please contact Coach Gummo at gummob@pcsb.org or Coach Kissick at kissicke@pcsb.org with any questions
NEW – STEM Club Updates (Cancelled on Mondays)
Beginning the week of January 21st, STEM Robotics Club (Monday’s and Tuesday’s) will now ONLY meet on Tuesdays in room 5-207. If you are part of the Monday Robotics Club and are able to attend Tuesday’s Club, we would love to have you. We apologize that we are no longer able to offer STEM Club on Mondays after school. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Greth at gretha@pcsb.org.
NEW – Street Parking during Drop off and Pick Up
*Please note that the safest place for student drop off and pick up is the car circle. Many parents are picking up on the side of the school, however, there are street signs indicating locations where parking and stopping on the sides of the road are not permitted. Please know that we are not able to control the local roadways and local law enforcement has issued tickets to drivers that are stopped orparked on streets where this signage is located.
NEW- 8th Grade Activities and Events: 2024-2025 8th grade activities letter 01_10_25.pdf
Please review the attached 8th Grade flyer as well as the contract for behavioral stipulations. Each of these events are offered to all 8th Grade students, but seats are limited for some of the events. Prices, dates, times, and details are provided for each event.
5/16 – Gradventure @ Universal Orlando (2pm-2am)
*$175 – Price Drop – We were able to use funds from our recent Color Run to help lessen the cost for families
5/24 – 8th Grade Formal Dance @ USF St. Pete (5pm-8pm)
5/29 – Graduation Breakfast for students (9:45-11:00)
5/29 - Graduation Parade for Parents, Families, and the Community (11:00-12:00)
Yearbook Pre-Sales
Pre-Order your 2025 yearbook!
$36 Until December 31
$38 January 1 - March 31
We will have very limited books for sale when they are delivered in May
Use link below to Pre-Order
We also want to remind students and families about dress code infractions. We are seeing an increase in dress code infractions and this means detentions have become more frequent. Please note that the most common instances of dress code infraction are due to students having rips, holes, or tears in their pants or jeans as well as shorts, dresses and skirts being more than 3 inches above the knee. We will continue to enforce the dress code with these infractions, but need your help to reduce the instances of these infractions. We want all students to have their free time before and after school, so if they arrive in dress code each morning, their day will be a success.
- No rips, holes, tears in pants, jeans, or shorts even if no skin is showing
- Shorts, dresses, skirts must be no more than 3 inches above the knee
Hurricane Relief Drive to Support TMFMS Students and Staff
Contact: Derrica Fletcher, MSW
fletcherder@pcsb.org or at (727) 552-1737 ext 2070
As our Jaguar community works to return to what was, we are seeking your support to meet immediate needs for our students and staff. PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING: Hygiene Products, Backpacks, School Supplies, New Undergarments, Clothing, and Shoes.
Please bring all donations to OUR FRONT OFFICE 3901 22nd Ave S St. Petersburg, FL 33711
National Junior Honor Society
NEW Canvas Page - https://forms.office.com/r/VhWjHg0ixr
Meetings will be on the 4th Thursday of every month
WHERE: Mr. Stone’s Room 5-214
WHEN: 8:30 – 9:00am
Please contact the NJHS Sponsor, Mr. Stone with any questions at stonema@pcsb.org
GoFan Sports Ticketing App – Purchase Thurgood Sports Tickets
All Pinellas County School’s will be using GoFan for tickets to games. Either purchase early or right when the event begins. You will simply show your tickets on your mobile device at the door.
Sign up is easy: DOWLOAD THE GO FAN APP on your device; search for Thurgood
ALL PRO DAD is Returning to TMFMS
All Pro Dad is Returning to Thurgood Marshall! Fathers and father-figures are invited to join their teen on the 1st Tuesday of every Month, at 8:00AM in the Media Center for refreshments, engaging activities, and meaningful conversations between dads/father-figures and students. A meeting credit can also be earned for your fundamental family requirements!
Creating a partnership with families, students, teachers, staff, and local community members will continue to support the growth and academic excellence at Thurgood Marshall Fundamental Middle School. Show your support and become a member of our PTSA by clicking this link: JOIN HERE - Givebacks
Report Instances of Bullying
Say Something - https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/say-something-tips/
Fortify Florida - https://getfortifyfl.com/
Dress Code
The administration shall be the final judge as to the neatness and cleanliness of wearing apparel and whether such apparel is appropriate, disruptive, distracting, or in violation of health and safety rules
Fundamental Dresscode
- Dresses or Skirts: Knee Length, No Shorter Than 3” Above Knee.
- Top of the Slit in a Skirt May Be No More Than 3” Above Knees.
- Shirts, Blouses, and/or Sweaters for Both Boys and Girls Must Cover the Midriff.
- While hoodies hare permitted to wear, the hood shall never be worn on campus
- Athletic Shoes, Sneakers, and Shoes with Heels and/or Straps
- All Shoes Must have a Permanent Back
- Pants, Jeans, and Slacks are all permitted
- no holes, rips, tears, or frays
- Uniform style shorts are solid in color with a canvas material like khakis
- Clothing As Outlined in Announcements for Special Events
- Sleeves Are Required for Both Girls and Boys
Fundamental Dresscode
- No Hats, Visors, bandannas, sunglasses, or head coverings
- No non-uniform shorts, athletic shorts, PE shorts, or cargo style shorts
- No Dresses, Shirts, or Blouses that Bare the Midriff
- No Culottes or Skorts Worn More Than 3” Above the Knee
- No Tank Tops or Sleeveless Tops
- No Flipflops, Crocs or Similar Style Shoes, Sandals or Shoes Without Back Straps
- No See-Through Clothing
- No Halter Dresses or Tops with Plunging Necklines
- No Clothing or Vintage-Style Jeans with Holes, Cuts, Rips, Tears (Even If No Skin Is Visible)
- No Sunglasses Inside (cannot be worn on head as an accessory)
- No Visible Body Piercing (Except Ears)
- No Clothing Disruptive to The Learning Environment
- No Exposed Tattoos (Real or Drawn)
- No Neck Collars, Dog Collars, or Other Heavy Chains
- No Clothing and/or Jewelry Depicting Profanity, Violence, Weapons, Sexually Suggestive Signs or Symbols, Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol, or Cult Gang Groups, Clubs, Organizations, Activities
- No Pajamas, Sleepwear, Slippers, or Other Pajama Type Attire
- No Pencil Skirts, Spandex/Form Fitting Pants, Or Leggings, jeggings, or athletic spandex pants
- No Pants Rolled Up or Above the Ankle.
Cell Phone Policy – Phones are to remain away all day.
Phones that are out in any school setting can be confiscated and provided to the front office where a parent will have to pick up. Phones that are confiscated will not be handed back to students at the end of the day. Students may use phones in the morning as they wait to enter the building, but once they enter for breakfast, the phones are put away. Students are also permitted to use phones after school ends as they wait for buses and parent pick up.
School Hours and Parent Car Circle for Daily Drop Off and Pick Up
Parent Directions for Morning and Afternoon Drop Off and Pick Up
Drop off can begin at 9:10am and student must be picked up by 4:45
For the 2024-2025 school year, we will continue to use the car line method that was implemented last year. This method was assessed by the City of St. Petersburg and was found to be successful. Parents of 6th grade scholars or new 7th/ 8th grade scholars, this will be slightly different from the summer camps.
Please enter the car circle from 18th Avenue to 40th Street to 19th Avenue to our car circle. Exiting the car circle please turn right onto 19th Avenue and right onto 38th Street and left (access to 22nd Avenue, 34th Street or 18th Avenue) at 21st Avenue. This will help in the entry and exit process. Also, please pull all the way forward (around the curve) to drop students off and pick them up. Please speak with your scholar to keep an eye out for your vehicle and to walk forward. This will help us to team together to have a more efficient car rider line. Please be considerate and avoid blocking household driveways as you wait in line for student pick up. Do not park on main roadways like 18th Ave S as citations can be provided by law enforcement.
All walkers and bicycle riders will exit the front of the building and use the sidewalk down toward 22 Ave. S, in order to be as safe as possible. No walkers will enter/exit in the car circle. Please do not drop students off in front of the school off 22nd Avenue South as this disrupts the flow of traffic and could be dangerous.
The car circle gate will open at 9:08 AM and students can be dropped off officially at 9:10 AM. If we begin to drop students off beginning at 9:10 AM and follow the flow designated by the description above, the process will improve each day.
School Hours – Student hours are from 9:40 – 4:10 Monday through Friday
- Students can be dropped off by parents in the car circle located behind the school off of 19th Ave South. The car circle is the best place for student drop off and pick up to ensure their safety.
- Students should not arrive to campus before 9:10 each day.
- Students will be permitted to enter campus at 9:10 each morning where they will report to the cafeteria for breakfast.
- Students must be picked up by 4:45 each afternoon.
- If students are participating in any ELP, Tutoring, Enrichment, or club opportunities, they must be picked up by 5:15pm.