Scholar Dress Code

  • Scholars attending Disston Academy for Progress and Enterprise are expected to comply with the school's modified dress code.

    All Scholars 

    Scholars may wear oxford-styled or polo-styled shirts, a single color choices in RED,  BLACK, WHITE, BURGENDY and GREY ONLY!  Logos must be the size of a quarter or smaller.

    Scholars must wear solid, khaki-colored or black bottoms, NO JEANS or JOGGERS (elastic bottoms).  All bottoms MUST be secured at the waist with belts buckled and no midriff or underwear exposed.  Belts may be any color.

    Appropriate Footwear

    All shoes must be closed heels or have a heel strap. Shoes may be any color.  No slides, flip flops, mules, or sandals without straps and no bedroom shoes or slippers.

    Appropriate Outerwear

    Scholars may wear a blazer, jacket, coat, rain coat, sweater or sweater vest. Outerwear with hoods  MUST have a front zipper.  No explicit, inappropriate, refrences to drug or alcohol or derogatory graphics, slogans, symbols, etc. may be worn at any time.  No bandanas, unauthorized head coverings, or hats allowed.  Sleepwear, blankets, SNUGGIES, coveralls or similar items are NOT allowed.


    Scholars may earn the privilege of wearing traditional attire on Fridays as a PBIS Incentive for course completion each month. If your scholar earns DRESS DOWN FRIDAYS,  he or she may wear any clothing items permitted within the guidelines of the PCS Student Code of Conduct.  This attire may ONLY be worn on designated Fridays by eligible students.


    Scholars may earn the privilege of wearing traditional attire on Monday as a PBIS Incentive for perfect attendance each month. If your scholar earns DRESS DOWN MONDAYS,  he or she may wear any clothing items permitted within the guidelines of the PCS Student Code of Conduct.  This attire may ONLY be worn on designated Mondays by eligible students.


    No head covering (without perimission), du-rags, scarfs, hats, and bandanas. Scholars may not wear spandex, yoga pants, joggers, JEANS, LEGGINGS, jeggings, gym wear, clothing with rips and tears.

    Scholars will refrain from wearing shear, transparent, ripped, torn or distressed garments. Scholars may not wear leggings, tights, jeans, spandex, or workout wear.  Scholars may not wear clothing items with prohibited, offensive or vulgar language or graphic images.


    There are daily dress code checks upon entry. Scholars found in violation of the dress code policy will receive consequences. 

    • 1st Offense per semester- Parent contact, change of clothing
    • 2nd Offense per semester- Change of clothing, work detail
    • 3rd Offense per semester- Change of clothing, administrative detention
    • 4th Offense per semester- Change of clothing, ABS, Contract
    • Five or more Offenses- Progressive discipline with the possibility of returning to the assigned zone school.