For most people, technology makes things easier.
For children with disabilities, technology makes things POSSIBLE.
During the school day, students at Paul B. Stephens School benefit from using a wide variety of technology and assistive technology devices (depending on their individual abilities) to participate in activities and to communicate with others.
Assistive Technology is a system of tools, strategies and services that enable a person with disabilities to function to his/her maximum potential educationally, vocationally, socially and in their daily living activities.
Assistive technology enhances:
- Learning
- Independence
- Communication
- Mobility
- Environmental Control
- Choice Making
- Play and Recreation
- Hearing and Vision
- Seating and Positioning
- Access to Computers
For our students, this means . . .
- Adapted toys and books
- Switches and switch toys
- Computer adaptations like touch screens, switch interfaces, adapted keyboards, screen magnification
- Adapted tools for eating, writing, food preparation, etc.
- Adaptive positioning equipment
- Augmentative communication devices like picture symbols, picture schedules, photographs, voice output devices
- Environmental control devices
- Amplification devices like microphones, speakers, headphones, hearing aides, FM systems
- Tactile symbols and braille