Attendance and Tardy Policy
School Hours: 8:45am until 2:55pm. The compulsory attendance policy is in the Student Code of Conduct.
Students are expected to be at school and in class ready for learning at 8:45am and remain at school until dismissal begins. A School Messenger phone message will be delivered each day your child is marked absent. This is a reminder that all absences require a note of explanation to be considered excused. At times, a doctor’s note may be required.
Students will be marked tardy if they are not in their classrooms at the 8:45am bell, designating the beginning of instruction. Breakfast is served from 8:15am till 8:45am. If your child eats breakfast at school, please allow time for them to eat and get to class by 8:45 a.m. Early dismissals are allowed for student doctor appointments or family emergencies and may require documentation. Please adjust your schedule to support these guidelines and try and minimize missed student learning opportunities.