Maximo Beats

  • "Maximo Beats" is a select group of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who have expressed exceptional interest and aptitude for percussive music. The group rehearses after school weekly. Inclusion is by audition, which takes into account the student's performance abilities, musical literacy, and general behavior in school. 






     Auditioners should show up at their registered time. The sign up sheet is located on the bulletin board outside the music studio. 
    Wait outside the music studio at least five minutes before your time. A Maximo Beats member will let you in when the team is ready for you to audition.
    Be prepared to answer the following questions:
    1.  Why do you want to join Maximo Beats?
    2. What do you think you bring to the group that no one else can?
    3. How do you define "teamwork?" 
    Be prepared to play the following: 
    1. Original rhythm/melody on your instrument of choice (choose from bucket drum, tubano drum, xylophone, or metallophone) 
    2.  CBCA xylophone pattern from "Carol of the Bells" 5x, plus random 3-5 note melodies as directed by current Maximo Beats members