Mount Vernon Elementary is a part of the USDA and CDC (Center for Disease Control) "Healthy Schools Program".
A free app is available from nutrislice.com to view the nutrient content of meals served.
Mount Vernon Elementary School will require that all foods and beverages sold, served and offered during the school day, and extended school day, meet Smart Snack's guidelines.Add money to your child's school lunch account at My School Bucks!
"Healthy kids have higher attendance rates, higher test scores and behave better in class. More than 26,000 schools nationwide are using our Healthy Schools Program to make this the norm at school.We’ve taken the latest research on childhood health and combined it with the most effective school policies to maximize impact. We divided our approach into wellness modules to create a workable framework that sets specific actions to help make your unique school healthier."
Healthy Schools Program
Overview of the healthy schools program, where you can search for the school, and join the Healthy School Team as a FAN.
All Childrens Hospital- Fit 4 All Kids
You can find recipes, fitness ideas, and nutrition information for kids, teens, parents and physicians.