PreK3 Supply List
- 1 box of Crayola washable markers
- 1 box of 24 Crayola crayons
- 2 boxes/refills of unscented baby wipes (for messy fingers and faces)
- 1 container of Clorox/Lysol wipes
- 1 package of select-a-size paper towels
- 1 package of small white paper plates
- 1 package of napkins
- 2 boxes of Kleenex
- Lunch box with ice pack if not getting school lunch
- Extra change of clothes for emergencies in a Ziplock bag labeled with your child's name
- Backpack with your child's name on it (large enough to hold a 1" 3 ring binder, lunchbox and blanket). Please no rolling backpacks.
VPK Supply List
- 2 boxes Crayola washable markers
- 2 boxes Crayola crayons
- 1 pair of Fiskar blunt-tip children’s scissors
- 2 boxes/refills of unscented baby wipes (for messy fingers and faces)
- 2 containers Clorox/Lysol wipes
- 1 bottle of white school glue
- 1 package of glue sticks
- 1 package of paper towels
- 1 package of large heavy white paper plates
- 1 package of napkins
- Lunch box with ice pack if not getting school lunch
- Extra change of clothes for emergencies in a ziplock bag labeled with your child’s name
- Backpack with your child's name on it (large enough to hold a 1" 3 ring binder and blanket)
Please label all items with your child’s name.
Kindergarten Supply List
- One pair of headphones (labeled with child’s name)
- Extra change of clothes for emergencies (in ziplock bag w/ child’s name)
- Five boxes of 24 skinny Crayola crayons
- 12 Yellow #2 Ticonderoga pencils
- 12 Elmer’s purple glue sticks
- 2 bottles of Elmer’s white school glue (4 oz.)
- 6 – 2 pocket plastic folders w/prongs (red, green, yellow, purple, orange, blue)
- One box gallon size slide-lock baggies
- One box sandwich size slide-lock baggies
- One box of tissue
- One container of baby wipes
- One container of antibacterial wipes
- One box of Expo black dry-erase markers
- One box of skinny markers
- One box of fat markers
- One pair of Fiskars solid color children’s scissors
1st Grade Supply List
- 1 pair of USB headphones (bagged and labeled with child’s name)
- 5” x 8” pencil box or pouch
- 2 packages of 24-count crayons
- (1)24-count package of colored pencils
- 1 pair of student scissors (labeled with student name)
- 1 package of 6 Elmer glue sticks
- 24 Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened preferred)
- 1 wide-ruled composition book
- 2 wide-ruled spiral notebooks
- 4 plastic pocket folders w/ prongs
- 1- 1” 3-ring binder w/ clear pocket on cover and pockets on the inside
*No earbuds please
2nd Grade Supply List
*Please DO NOT label your student’s supplies with their name, unless indicated.*
- 1 box of 24 crayons
- 1 student scissors
- 1 small box of colored pencils
- 2-pack of pink erasers (not eraser tops)
- 6 glue sticks
- 36 Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened, preferred)
- 2-pack of 3x3 post-it notes
- 4 wide ruled composition books (yellow, blue, red, green)
- 4 pocket folders with prongs (plastic preferred - yellow, purple, red, green)
- 1 - 1 inch, 3 ring binder
- 1 HARD pencil/crayon box, at least 5in x 8in
- 1 package of black dry-erase markers
- 1 set of USB headphones (bagged and labeled with your child’s name)
- Sanitizing wipes (Clorox, Lysol)
- 2 boxes of tissues
(Girls) – 1 box of gallon Ziploc bags
1 pack of baby wipes
(Boys) – 2 rolls of paper towels
1 box of sandwich Ziploc bags
3rd Grade Supply List
- 1 pair of USB headphones (labeled with name & in a baggy) USB only
- 1 ZIPPERED BAG pencil holder - labeled with name (no hard boxes)
- 1 pkg colored pencils (8 count)
- 1 pkg thin tip markers (8 count)
- 1 pkg 3 different colored highlighters
- 1 pair of scissors
- 5 three-prong pocket PLASTIC folders (one each; red, green, blue, purple, yellow)
- 3 large pkgs. 3x3 sticky notes
- 1 pkg dry erase markers-any colors
- 2 black and white composition books-wide ruled
- 3 spiral notebooks (single subject-wide ruled)
- 4 boxes of SHARPENED Dixon #2 Ticonderoga pencils
- 1 rectangular/wedge eraser
- 1 pkg of cap erasers
- 2 tubs of antibacterial wipes
- 1 pkg of 3x5 lined index cards
Girls Only: gallon OR sandwich or snack size baggies
Boys Only: 1 – 16 oz. bottle hand sanitizer
4th Grade Supply List
- USB Headphones (not earbuds – to be kept at school)
- 3 – boxes of pencils (Ticonderoga & sharpened, preferred)
- 1 – box of colored pencils
- 1 – pack of glue sticks
- 1 – pack of highlighters (any colors)
- 1 - Scissors
- 1 – Zipper pencil pouch
- 5 – 3 prong plastic pocket folders – (solid colors: red, purple, blue, green, yellow preferred)
- 1 - package dry erase markers
- 2 – packages 3 x 5 Index cards (lined)
- 4 – composition books – wide ruled (one per subject)
- 1 – package of at least 10 sheet protectors
- 1 – bottle of hand sanitizer
- 2 – large boxes of tissues
- 2 – containers of Clorox wet wipes
Girls Only
1 – package of sticky notes
1 – box gallon storage bags
Boys Only
1 – package of notebook paper - wide ruled preferred
1 – box sandwich or quart sized storage bags
5th Grade Supply List
- USB Headphones (not earbuds – to be kept at school)
- 2- Boxes of Tissues
- 2- Containers of Clorox Wipes
- 3- Boxes of pencils (Ticonderoga & Sharpened, preferred)
- 1-Package of Dry-Erase Markers
- 1- Box of Sharpened Colored Pencils
- 1- Package of Notebook Paper (Wide Ruled)
- 1 - Take Home Folder (With Pockets)
For ELA:
2- Composition Notebooks-Wide Ruled (Blue and Red)
Post-It Notes (3X3 inches)
1- Zipper Pencil Bag (with 3 rings)
1- Pack of Glue Sticks
2- Boxes of Pencil Top Erasers
2- Highlighters
1 - Pair of Scissors
For Math/Science:
1- Spiral Notebook
1- 1 ½ in. Binder