Battle of the Books
The following is information regarding our Battle of the Books program.
Battle of the Books is for students in grades 3-5. The list of books comes in part from the Sunshine State Young Reader's Award titles. The books change every year. Students are expected to read and take quizzes on a minimum of 8 of the 15 chosen books in order to take the qualifying test. The quizzes will be located in Canvas. Students will gain access to the Battle Canvas page after returning their Battle Agreement to Mrs. Kasprzyk.
Students will need to know titles and authors of the books as well as content questions from the books. Taking the qualifying test does not guarantee making a team however. Those who score well enough will be placed on teams to compete in our school Battle of the Books competition. The winning team at the school level will go on to compete at the Regional Competition.
All students have access to a class set of the Battle of the Books in their classrooms purchased with funds from our Book Fairs. They also have access to the ebooks in Sora. Sora can be found in the student's Clever accounts.
If you have any questions or need information please reach out to Mrs. Kasprzyk.
Timeline-Dates subject to change, changes will be communicated to students and families.
September-Battle of the Books Kickoffs
October-Canvas accessible to students
November-March-Battle Club (minimum of 4 books completed with quizzes taken, dates will be announced)
January 24th- Battle Agreements are due to Mrs. Kasprzyk by this date
TBA-Qualifying Test
TBA-School Battle
Regionals April: TBA
The Battle of the Books is a great opportunity for students to build and stretch their reading muscles!
*Students must have turned in their Battle Agreement form and have read and passed 8 Canvas Quizzes on the Battle titles.