Battle of the Books

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    The Battle of the Books is a fun way for students to read a variety of books and learn to comprehend what they are reading.


    The program is a "quiz bowl" type of game in which teams try to identify titles and authors of the 15 Sunshine State Young Readers Award titles and the Florida Teens Read Titles. Questions are based on plots, settings and characters.


    The elementary program is for students in grades 3 - 5.  Participating students are given several months to read the 15 titles and quiz each other on what they have read. Qualifying tests are given during the months of March and April. School battles and subsequent regional battles determine which schools will be represented at the district battle in May. The first-place team carries home a traveling trophy to house at their school until the next year’s battle.


    For more information about the program at Sawgrass Lake, please contact Mrs. Batdorf at