Seminole Middle School
Leadership Academy
Application period is now CLOSEDfor the 2025 - 2026 school year.
Email questions, comments or concerns about Leadership Academy to Ms. Guth (guthl@pcsb.org) or Ms. Allen ( allenemi@pcsb.org)
If your student does not reside in the Seminole Middle School zone, please make sure to complete a Special Attendance Request (SAR) which is a necessary step to be allowed to attend the school. These requests are approved and denied by the Student Assignment Department. Information on the process to apply for a SAR can be found at the link https://www.pcsb.org/Page/35815.
** The time frame to submit your Special Attendance Request (SAR) is NOW to be considered for the 2025 - 2026 school year. **
Why the Leadership Academy at Seminole Middle School?
High academic and behavioral expectations with school-based application process
Students learn and practice Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Building civic leaders through service-learning activities
30 clubs to provide additional enrichment experiences
Seminole Middle School was named a 2019 – 2021 National PTA School of excellence
Seminole Middle was awarded the National School of Character in 2021
If you do not live in the SMS zone, you can apply for a Special Attendance Request (SAR), through the PCS Pupil Assignment Office.
For more information, you may contact the Leadership Academy Team - SeminoleMSLeadership@pcsb.org.
Acceptance into the Leadership Academy is contingent upon a recommendation of the student’s current Core Academic (Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts) teachers, discipline history, and availability of openings in the program. When necessary, a lottery selection process will be used to determine student selection. A waiting list will be maintained.