TSMS Modified Dress Code
TSMS Modified Dress Code
Requirements for student dress in all schools are listed below:
Any article of clothing with a hood attached is not allowed to be worn at school or at any school-sponsored event.
A. All clothing must be appropriately sized, securely fastened and cover midriff, back, sides, and all undergarments at all times. For example, suspenders should be over the shoulders, pants secured at the waist, belts buckled, no underwear as outerwear, no underwear exposed.
B. Clothing must cover the body from one armpit across to the other armpit and down to mid-thigh. All tops must have sleeves and cover the entire shoulder.
C. Rips, holes, or tears in clothing must be below mid-thigh.
D. See-through, revealing, or mesh garments must not be worn without appropriate coverage underneath that meets the minimum requirements of this dress code.
E. Gang paraphernalia, garments and/or jewelry, tattoos, or other insignias, which display or suggest sexual, vulgar, drug, alcohol, or tobacco-related wording/graphics or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in school shall not be worn.
F. Clothing must not state, imply, or depict hate speech or imagery targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or any other characteristics protected by federal or state law or Board policy.
G. Any articles of clothing or jewelry that may cause injury including, but not limited to, items with spikes, or sharp objects, wallet chains, and heavy link chains are not allowed.
H. Students must wear shoes that are safe and appropriate for the learning environment. Inappropriate footwear includes, but is not limited to, roller skates, skate shoes, and bedroom slippers.
I. Form fitting leotard/spandex type clothing is not allowed unless proper outer garments cover to mid-thigh length or longer.
J. Clothing and footwear traditionally designed as sleepwear shall not be worn.
K. Head gear, including but not limited to, caps, hats, bandanas, sweatbands and/or sunglasses shall not be worn indoors on campus unless permitted by the principal for religious or medical reasons. Students may wear sunglasses, hats, or other sun-protective wear while outdoors during school hours, however these articles must not violate this dress code.