• Positive Behavior Interventions Supports (PBIS)

    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a general term that refers to positive behavioral interventions and systems used to achieve important behavior changes. Successful PBIS programs are dependent upon the entire school community. Every school has a unique climate, so a one size fits all approach is not as effective as interventions based on the needs of the learning community. School-wide PBIS includes proactive strategies for designing, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors. A continuum of PBIS for all students within a school is implemented in all areas of the environment (classrooms, hallways, restrooms, and bus ciricle). 

    Seminole Elementary's school-wide expectations are R.I.S.E.

    R - Respect/Responsibility

    I - Integrity

    S - Self-Control

    E - Empathy

    These expectations and ways to follow them are displayed throughout campus on signs in areas like the hallways, the cafeteria, Media Center, Front Office etc. 

    A chart of a blue birdDescription automatically generated .


    RISE connects to our core monthly character traits:

      • August – Character Education
      • September – Citizenship
      • October – Tolerance
      • November – Patriotism
      • December – Charity
      • January – Kindness/Caring
      • February – Cooperation
      • March – Responsibility
      • April – Honesty
      • May - Respect

    Ways that Seminole Elementary follow PBIS are

      • Positive Behavior referrals -  Once received, the student will bring their RISE Recognition to the front office during recess. They will receive a pencil or an eraser and their name placed on a school-wide list. Once the list of names is full, an administrator will select a handful of students at random to receive a prize. Any RISE Recognition received by non-classroom teachers will allow students to place their name on the school-wide list twice.

     Postive Behavior referrals -  Once received, the student will bring their RISE Recognition to the front office between 10:30 – 2:00. You will receive a small reward and their name placed on a school-wide list. Once the list of names is full, an administrator will select a handful of students at random to receive a Hunter Hawk stuffed animal.

      • Hawk Huddles - a school-wide celebration that recognizes students and staff who exhibit RISE character traits 
      • Morning Class Meetings - meetings held each day to allow classes to begin each day as a community of caring and respectful learners