• Girlfriends



    Here is some info about Girlfriends:


    We are so excited to have two Girlfriends Clubs at Seminole Elementary School this year—one for fourth grade girls and one for fifth grade girls.  Our current members were nominated by their homeroom teachers or another staff member for doing an excellent job of exhibiting our RISE standards of respect, responsibility, integrity, self-control and empathy.  Our clubs meet during lunch once every two weeks for a total of 9 meetings.  Each meeting has a different theme.  Our themes for this year include:  We are a TEAM, We are UNIQUE, We are DIVERSE, We are GRATEFUL, We are GENEROUS, We are RESPECTFUL, We are CALM, We are LOVED, WE are LEADERS, and We are LOVELY & FIERCE. Part of being a member is completing community service which will occur outside of our meeting time.


    Girlfriends is a district-wide program for Pinellas County schools.  Its purpose is to help girls improve or maintain their academic performance, develop self-discipline, learn positive behaviors, and cultivate high self-esteem.  We want our clubs at Seminole Elementary to feel like a team that encourages one another and helps each other discover their unique gifts and talents.  In addition, we aim to empower our young girls to lead!


    We are so thankful to have a sponsor for our clubs this year in the Hustle and Heart Real Estate Group! With their support, our Girlfriends each get their own journal, experience special food days as well as some arts and crafts, and have the chance to earn prizes each week.


    Girlfriends Club meets twice a month during lunch.