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Anona Elementary (es)
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Bauder Elementary (es)
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Bay Point Middle (ms)
Bay Vista Fundamental (es)
Bayside High (ea)
Bear Creek Elementary (es)
Belcher Elementary (es)
Belleair Elementary (es)
Blanton Elementary (es)
Boca Ciega High (hs)
Brooker Creek Elementary (es)
Calvin Hunsinger School (ec)
Campbell Park Elementary (es)
Carwise Middle (ms)
Chi Chi Rodriguez Academy (ea)
Clearview Adult Education Center (ct)
Clearwater Adult Education Center (ct)
Clearwater Fundamental (ms)
Clearwater High (hs)
Countryside High (hs)
Cross Bayou Elementary (es)
Curlew Creek Elementary (es)
Curtis Fundamental Elementary (es)
Cypress Woods Elementary (es)
Disston Academy (ea)
Douglas L. Jamerson, Jr. Elementary (es)
Dunedin Elementary (es)
Dunedin Highland Middle (ms)
Dunedin High (hs)
East Lake High (hs)
East Lake Middle School (ms)
Eisenhower Elementary (es)
Elisa Nelson Elementary (es)
Fairmount Park Elementary (es)
Forest Lakes Elementary (es)
Frontier Elementary (es)
Fuguitt Elementary (es)
Garrison-Jones Elementary (es)
Gibbs High (hs)
Gulf Beaches Elementary Magnet School (es)
Gulfport Montessori Elementary (es)
High Point Elementary (es)
Highland Lakes Elementary (es)
Hollins High (hs)
J. Hop Times
James B. Sanderlin K-8 (es)(ms)
John Hopkins Middle School (ms)
John M. Sexton Elementary (es)
Kings Highway Elementary Magnet School (es)
Lake St. George Elementary (es)
Lakeview Fundamental (es)
Lakewood Community School (ct)
Lakewood Elementary (es)
Lakewood High (hs)
Largo High (hs)
Largo Middle (ms)
Lealman Avenue Elementary (es)
Lealman Innovation Academy (ea)
Leila G. Davis Elementary (es)
Lynch Elementary (es)
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Elementary (es)
Madeira Beach Fundamental K-8 (es)(ms)
Manatee Messenger
Mangrove Bay Middle School
Maximo Elementary (es)
McMullen Booth Elementary (es)
Meadowlawn Middle (ms)
Melrose Elementary (es)
Midtown Academy (es)
Mildred Helms Elementary (es)
Morgan Fitzgerald Middle (ms)
Mount Vernon Elementary (es)
New Heights Elementary (es)
Nina Harris Exceptional Student Education Center (ec)
North Shore Elementary (es)
Northeast High (hs)
Northwest Elementary (es)
Oak Grove Middle (ms)
Oakhurst Elementary (es)
Oldsmar Elementary (es)
Orange Grove Elementary (es)
Osceola Fundamental High (hs)
Osceola Middle (ms)
Ozona Elementary (es)
Palm Harbor Middle (ms)
Palm Harbor University High (hs)
Pasadena Fundamental (es)
Paul B. Stephens School (EC)
Performing Arts
Perkins Elementary (es)
Pinellas Central Elementary (es)
Pinellas Gulf Coast Academy (ea)
Pinellas High Innovation (ea)
Pinellas Park Elementary (es)
Pinellas Park High (hs)
Pinellas Park Middle (ms)
Pinellas Secondary School (ea)
Pinellas Technical College Clearwater (ct)
Pinellas Technical College - St. Petersburg Campus (ct)
Pinellas Technical College(ct)
Pinellas Virtual School (es)(ea)(ms)(hs)
Plumb Elementary (es)
Ponce de Leon Elementary (es)
Richard L. Sanders School (ec)
Richard O. Jacobson Technical High School at Seminole (hs)
Ridgecrest Elementary (es)
Safety Harbor Elementary (es)
Safety Harbor Middle (ms)
San Jose Elementary (es)
Sandy Lane Elementary (es)
Sawgrass Lake Elementary (es)
Seminole Elementary (es)
Seminole High (hs)
Seminole Middle School (ms)
Seventy-Fourth St. Elementary (es)
Shore Acres Elementary (es)
Skycrest Elementary (es)
Skyview Elementary (es)
Southern Oak Elementary (es)
Spartan News Network
St. Petersburg High (hs)
Starkey Elementary (es)
Stavros Institute
Sunset Hills Elementary (es)
Sutherland Elementary (es)
Tarpon Springs Elementary (es)
Tarpon Springs Fundamental (es)
Tarpon Springs High (hs)
Tarpon Springs Middle (ms)
Thurgood Marshall Fundamental (ms)
Tomlinson Adult Learning Center (ct)
Tyrone Middle (ms)
Walsingham Elementary (es)
Westgate Elementary (es)
Woodlawn Elementary (es)
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Boca Ciega High School
Home of the Pirates
Achieving Excellence
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General Information
Pirate Athletic Hall of Fame
Add, Subtract, Multiply Polynomials
Alternative Energy
Biology EOC Practice
Divide Polynomials by Monomials
Earth Science
Factoring Polynomials (Algebra)
Factoring Polynomials (Factoring Polynomials)
Find domain & range of relations/funcions
Find Domain and Range
Florida Geology
Geologic Time
Graph Quadratic Equations
Intro to Functions
Laws & Theories
Linear Equations
Matter & Energy
Measuring & Graphing
Ocean Basins
Ocean Currents
Ocean Waves
Operations with Polynomials
Operations with Radical Expressions
Our Solar System
Our Sun
Plate Tectonics
Radical Expressions
River Systems
Rocks & The Rock Cycle
Scientific Method
Shorelines & Beaches
Simplify Radical Expressions
Solve linear equations
Solve literal equations
Solve Quadratic Equations
Solve systems of linear equations
Systems of Linear Equations
T1. Cell Theory (L.14.1)
T1. Chemistry Basics
T1. Classification of Organisms (L.15.6)
T1. Inheritance Patterns
T1. Plants
T1: Evolution Theory (L.15.1, 15.13)
T2. Anatomy and Physiology
T2. Cell Structure & Function (L.14.3)
T2. DNA and RNA (L.16.1)
T2. Energy Pathways (L.17.9)
T2. Importance of Water (L.18.12)
T2. Scientific Processes (N.1.1)
T3. Cell Energetics (L.18.9)
T3. Ecosytems & Communities (L.17.5)
T3. Human Genetics (L.16.3)
T3. Macromolecules (L.18.1)
T4. Cell Cycle (L.16.17)
T4. Genetic Engineering (L.16.10)
T4. Humans in the Biosphere (L.17.20)
T4. Role of Enzymes (L.18.11)
Tampa Bay
The Atmosphere
The Nature of Science
The Periodic Table
The Universe
The Water Cycle
Unit 1: Introduction to Biology
Unit 2: Biochemistry
Unit 3: Cell Biology
Unit 4: Heredity
Unit 5: Theory of Evolution
Unit 6: Classification of Organisms
Unit 7: Ecology
Use Exponent Rules to Simplify Monomials
Weathering & Erosion
Boca Ciega High (hs)
Boca Ciega High Calendar