• Gifted Consideration Process


    Step 1: Request a Nomination

    Gifted nominations can be requested by a teacher, a parent, or the student.  If you would like to request your child be screened for the gifted program, please complete this form and return it to your child's teacher: Parent Nomination for Gifted Screening

    Step 2: Complete a Screening

    Once a nomination form is received, the student is placed on a list for screening.  All Gifted Screenings are completed by the Gifted teacher.  Currently, we use two different screeners for the Gifted consideration: the Kaufnan Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT) and the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT).  Results from the screening will be sent home with student within 48 hours.

    Step 3: IQ Evaluation

    If the student qualifies for further evaluation, a packet of adult homework will be sent home for completion.  This packet contains a Consent for Evaluation, Gifted Consideration Parent Questionnaire, and the Gifted Characteristics Checklist.

    Upon receipt of the Consent for Evaluation, a Request for Services will be made, starting the 90-school day window for evaluation.  A school-based psychologist will administer the intelligence test.  When the testing is complete, a report is provided to the school and a copy will be sent home with the child.

    Step 4: District Determination

    When all necessary documentation is on file, the student's folder is sent to the District Gifted Eligibility Committee for determination.  This committee determines if the student demonstrates a need for the Gifted program based on the information available in the student's file.  This process usually takes about two weeks, and once the determination has been made, parents will receive a notification in the mail.


    If you have any questions about this process, please contact the school's Gifted Coordinator, via email mcshaneh@pcsb.org