Library Media Center
The mission of the San Jose Elementary School Library Information Center is to provide the total school population with resources and materials for self-directed, lifelong learning.
This mission is accomplished by providing access to a wide variety of materials in many formats and by striving to inspire an interest and love in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas effectively and independently.
HOW TO CHECK OUT EBOOKS FROM OUR COLLECTION AND THE DISTRICT COLLECTION.Read 24/7 & will work on most computers, tablets, readers!
Login into and search for San Jose Elem and click on it (under Elem heading)
Login with your R2.D2 User ID and your password or staff pcs username and password
Click on 'Catalog' and then click on DESTINY DISCOVER
Click on Ebooks
Now you will look for the book you would like to read. If the book you would like to check out is a Follett ebook, you will see a green square with an Upper Case E. If the ebook is from one of the other vendors (such as MackinVia) it will have a blue square with a lower case e.Also, through CLEVER click on SORA and chose from thousands of Ebooks!
Short Video on how to locate/read and checkout eBooks
Apps needed to read library eBooks OFFLINE
How to Download an eBook from Follett
Visit and search through our San Jose Library Information Center's electronic 'CARD CATALOG'
Focus-Portal-Your EntryWay to MackinVia
Log into Focus Portal with the student's r2.d2 and then an s. and the 8 digit student number.
On the right side you will see links to go to the 'Ticket to Read' Reading and Phonics Program and also the 'MackinVia' Program, your child's entry way into reading free books on many levels online, via computer or tablet, including many of the SSYRA readers used in Battle of the Books.
Framework for Learning-Gives Lexile Levels For Books. A Tool To Aid Reading and Comprehension.
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books Sunshine State Young Reader Award Books-Battle of the BooksYOUR Referendum Dollars are hard at work at San Jose Elementary.
We thank you for your continued support!