5000 Role Models


    The 5000 Role Models of Excellence provides the support necessary to reclaim our youth.  Adult male models are trained to work with students as well as cultivate the students who are academically proficient. 

    Our goal is to instill excellence while debunking myths: (1) There are positive and successful men in our community to emulate, (2) There are positive alternatives to self-destructive behaviors and societal pitfalls; and (3) Everyone must assume responsibility, preparing our children to effectively deal with the challenges and struggles that now confront today’s youth.

    Students who agree to participate understand that by attending the Role Models sessions, they are expected to do the following:

    1. Make-up all work missed.
    2. Pre-arrange absences with teachers 5 days in advance.
    3. Provide confirmation of attendance upon returning to class.
    4. Adhere to the minimal uniform requirement (black pants, a white dress shirt, and 5000 Role Model signature necktie).