Welcome to the Largo Middle School Media Center!
The mission of the Largo Middle School Library Media Center is to support teaching and learning throughout our campus by providing access to diverse information and technology resources, literacy processes, fostering a passion for reading and inquiry, and managing the library media budgets and purchasing processes.
Our Media Center aims to provide a program and balanced collection of resources that reflects and represents the diverse learning styles, cultures, beliefs and mother tongue languages of students within the school. We strive to promote and support the development of transdisciplinary skills, international mindedness, the IB learner profile, and MYP attitudes and concepts.
Media Center Hours
Faculty and Staff: 8:50 am -- 4:10 pm
Students: 9:30 am -- 4:10 pm
Lunch: Students may visit the Media Center during their lunch period with a pass from an administrator in the cafeteria.
Ms. Cornelius
Library Media Technology Specialist