School Programs

  • Exceptional Education Programs:

    Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD)
    Gifted Services
    ASD Classes
    Other Programs:

    YMCA before/after-school program(North Pinellas, 467-9622)
    Grandparents’ Day program to honor all grandparents
    Closed-circuit TV
    Computers in every classroom (school-wide wireless internet access)
    Real auditorium with wood floors and seating for 450
    Battle of the Books
    Turtle Traits
    Classroom partnerships
    Kiwanis Student of the Month
    Open-air classroom
    Physical Education Field Days
    Principal Multicultural Advisory Council (PMAC)
    Student Council
    Fourth and fifth-grade choruses (two major musical productions each year)
    K-Kids-A partnership with the Kiwanis of Safety Harbor
    Peer mediation
    Guidance groups
    May Day flowers delivered to downtown businesses by kindergarten classes
    Breakfast program
    Character Education Development
    Extended Learning Programs
    ELERM Teaching Partners / Leveled Literacy Intervention Program
    Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Academies (Primary and Intermediate)
    Mighty Mu Math Club, Superscientist
    Curriculum Family Nights
    Safety Patrols

    Safety Harbor Elementary will only serve, sell and offer food and beverages during the extended school day that meet smart snack standards