New Student
Student Registration Process for 2021/2022 (From PCSB Home Page)
IMPORTANT - Any new student (grades kindergarten, sixth- or ninth) enrolling in Pinellas County Schools will be assigned to their zoned school. All other new students will be assigned to their zoned school on a space-available basis.
A zoned school is the school that has been designated for each student based on such factors as proximity, program capacity and feeder patterns from one school level to another.
STEP 1: Find Your Zoned School
Parents will first need to find their child’s zoned school by using the Zoned School Locator or call Student Assignment, (727) 588-6210(727) 588-6210.
STEP 2: Reserve a Seat
To reserve a seat at the zoned school, parents will use the online Student Reservation System (SRS) located on the district website, www.pcsb.org. To use the SRS system, a PCS Portal User ID and password is needed. Families who already have a User ID and password (under the former ParentConnect system) do not have to get a new password or User ID. Families who do not have a PCS Portal User ID and password need to use the website www.reservation.pcsb.org to create a PCS Parent Portal UserID and password.
STEP 3: Register
The final step for parents to enroll their child in school is to visit the assigned school and deliver the Required Documents.