Volunteering and Mentoring
Volunteers and Mentors are an important part of our school community and contribute significantly to the success of our school and our students. The Family & Community Liaison coordinates all volunteers and mentors.
Our Family & Community Liaison is Rae'vin Graham. She can be reached by phone at 727-893-2643 EXT 2000, or via email at grahamra@pcsb.orgShe is in the office between 8:15am and 4:15pm, Monday through Friday.Volunteers
Volunteers MUST register through the Family & Community Liaison prior to volunteering. The Liaison will coordinate the best situation based upon each volunteer's talents, skill, abilities, and the needs of the teachers and school. Don't worry - volunteers will receive any training specific to their responsibilities.Parents/guardians must be registered volunteers in order to chaperone field trips. Submit your volunteer registration form (along with a copy of your driver's license) early as it can take several weeks for the paperwork to be processed.
For more information about volunteering and for the Volunteer Registration Forms, please contact Ms. Graham.
Mentors are volunteers who are assigned to a specific student for encouragement and support. Mentors are not to be tutors or teachers, but rather to be a friend and role model. Click here for information about mentoring and upcoming mentoring workshops.