The following resources will help provide both experience with taking the performance-based assessments and the content that students are being asked to master. Click on the links below to explore these resources.The FSA Portal provides access to testing resources. Click on the Students and Families button at the top left of the page to access Practice Tests for paper and computer-based testing for all grades, answers to FAQ's, and Student PowerPoints that can be used by teachers and parents to provide students with testing information.Middle School FSA/Web-Based Resources
Click on the above link to access FSA and other resources that support the middle school curriculum through CLEVER.
FSA Testing Schedule - Spring 2018Please mark your calendar and plan to be at school on these upcoming testing dates!
Grades 4-8 FSA Writing test – Wednesday, March 7th
Grade 3 FSA ELA test – Monday, April 16th and Tuesday, April 17th
Grade 3 FSA Math test- Monday, May 7th and Tuesday, May 8th
Grade 4 FSA Math test- Tuesday, April 24th and Wednesday, April 25th
Grade 4 FSA ELA test – Thursday, May 3rd and Friday, May 4th
Grade 5 FSA Math test – Tuesday, April 24th and Wednesday, April 25th
Grade 5 SSA Science test- Tuesday, May 1st and Wednesday, May 2nd
Grade 5 FSA ELA test – Monday, May 7th and Tuesday, May 8th
Grade 6 FSA ELA test- Wednesday, April 18th and Thursday, April 19th
Grade 6 FSA Math test- Thursday, April 26th and Friday, April 27th
Grade 7 FSA ELA test- Friday, April 20th and Monday, April 23rd
Grade 7 FSA Math Tuesday, May 1st and Wednesday, May 2nd
(Students who take an E.O.C. will not take FSA for math.)
Grade 8 FSA Reading test- Monday, April 16th and Tuesday, April 17th
Grade 8 SSA Science test- Tuesday, May 1st
Pre-Algebra E.O.C Thursday, May 3rd and Friday, May 4th
Algebra I E.O.C Wednesday, May 9th and Thursday, May 10th
Algebra I Honors E.O.C Wednesday, May 9th and Thursday, May 10th
Geometry E.O.C Wednesday, May 9th and Thursday, May 10th
Civics E.O.C. Monday, May 14th
End of Year Exams May 17-22, 2018
Last Day- early release May 24th