Attendance Policy

  • Attendance, Tardiness & Early Release      

    School attendance is essential to academic success.  Please make sure your child is at school, on time each day.  As a school family, we promise to deliver an excellent educational experience to all children, and we do not want your child to miss a minute! Scholars will earn rewards and prizes across the year for great attendance and being on time.  We want everyone to join in the fun! In the event that your child is tardy, please walk them into the front office and a staff member will provide the scholar with a tardy slip. Please send in a note following absences.  If a scholar accumulates 5 absences, an Intervention Committee meeting will be scheduled to provide support and help resolve the concern.  We are your partner in education.  Please call anytime you require additional assistance, such as determining if your child qualifies for a bus. Early pick-up of students is highly discouraged and should only occur when there is no other option.  Students will not be released during the last 35 minutes of the instructional day because it is disruptive to the class and we want to make every minute count.