Report Student Absence
Please click the link below to send an email to the school. Include the Student’s Name, Date of Birth, Grade, Homeroom Teacher (if known), Date Absent and Reason. If applicable, please attach any documentation to support the absence. When complete, click the send button.
Our vision is to graduate 100% of our Lakewood High School Scholars. One of the major components toward achieving this vision is that every student is in attendance, and not missing valuable instructional time.We would like to point out a few valuable pieces of information that you may not be aware of:1. A student is considered truant by law when they have 5 unexcused absences in a 30 day period or 10 days in a 90 day period.2. Chronic attendance issues can impact a student’s eligibility to receive support services in school as we have to rule out lack of time in the classroom didn’t impact learning.3. Every 3rd tardy, extreme tardies, and early releases equals one absence. (Please try to make doctor/dentist appointments after school hours). Five absences in any 1 classes will not allow a student to exempt any exams.4. A parent can only excuse 5 days in a semester. Otherwise a doctor/dentist note will be required (notes must be turned in within 48 hours of the absence).5. Parents who are out of compliance with Florida State Stature laws in regards to attendance may be referred to the school Child Study Team, and with no improvement in attendance to the State Attorney’s Office.6. If chronic attendance is due to a medical condition, we MUST have a doctor’s note which state the medical condition affects attendance. Please communicate with your child’s guidance counselor if this is the case.7. Students absent for 15 or more days in a 90 day time frame will have their driver’s license revoked or not be able to receive a driver’s permit or license. They will need to attend school 30 consecutive days in order to reinstate their driving privileges.8. Students with 10 or more unexcused absences each semester will lose their parking privileges on campus.9. The only excused tardy is a medical appointment with a doctor’s note. All other tardies are unexcused.If there is any issue that may keep your child from attending, we encourage you to contact the school immediately so that we may work together to solve problems. We look forward to partnering with you.