Students MUST HAVE the following documents before trying out for any of our sports teams:
- A current physical to be handed to the coaches. Students can go to their own doctor or to a walk-in clinic for physicals.
- A district Participation Form must be completed (click on Participation Form link) - this form can also be found in the front office or picked up from the coaches.
- District Insurance - confirmation of district insurance must be turned in. Please go to https://www.pcsb.org/Page/15271 to obtain insurance. Even if you already have private insurance, you must purchase the low option at school insurance ($4-5).
Volleyball Coach: Coach Span (spanj@pcsb.org)If you have any questions relating to Volleyball, please feel free to e-mail the coach listed above. More specific information will be posted as it becomes available to the school.
- A current physical to be handed to the coaches. Students can go to their own doctor or to a walk-in clinic for physicals.