Dear Parent and Guardians:
Encouraging our youth to be physically active is more important than ever before. Increasing a child’s physical activity is not only important for improving their health, but recent studies also indicate that physical fitness levels are associated with academic performance. “An active body is an active mind”.
The Fitness Education curriculum for elementary students at Elisa Nelson Elementary are aligned with local and State Standards! Physical activity must be done regularly to achieve health benefits. Therefore, your scholar’s participation is very important. If your child can’t take Fitness Education, please just let us know by note or email. As part of your scholars Fitness Education program grades 3-5, will be participating in the Fitness Gram assessment which measures health related fitness.
For safety issues, gym shoes are required on Fitness Education days. We encourage your scholar to bring a water bottle with their name on it. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the Fitness Education teachers. It is going to be a great year!
Students will be graded using the districts recommended categories:
- 50 % Participation- includes Sportsmanship, Effort and Cooperation.
- 25% Skills-includes Skill Assessment (written and physical)
- 25% Knowledge- includes concepts and rules
We will be posting information and pictures on and website throughout the school year!
Success Through Movement,
Coach H @ CoachH23988882
Coach Daily
Coach Liz