School History

  • September 1962, Bay Point Junior High opened its doors. Through many changes, Bay Point has remained an important part of the community.



    Watch an interview from a teacher and alumni about the importance of our 50th year!


    Thanks for helping us and being part of our Falcon Family!


    Parents Meet about Desegregated School

    August 7, 1971 - The Evening Independent shares news of a Parent group meeting at the newly desegregated Bay Point Junior High.



    6th grade moves to Junior High

    The Evening Independent, April 8, 1974 reports that 6th grade would be moving from the elementary schools to middle schools.



    No air conditioning?

    Can you imagine our students today, sitting in a class in mid-May...with no air conditioning?  Well, in 1969, the school board was still not funding Bay Point to have any.


    Last Updated on Friday, 19 October 2012 02:40

    Zoning of 1966

    Zoning for Bay Point Elementary - 1966-67 school year


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