Program Overview
John Hopkins Middle School offers three magnet programs, including Center for the Arts, Center for Journalism, and the Center for Gifted Studies in the Arts.
Center for the Arts
Within our arts program, we offer course strands including Band, Vocal Music, Orchestra, Piano, Theatre, Dance, and Visual Arts.
Center for Communications, Journalism and Multimedia
Within the Journalism program, students will study multimedia journalism, newspaper production, broadcasting skills, yearbook production, and will use hands-on, 21st century equipment to enrich their learning.
Center for Gifted Studies
The Center for Gifted Studies provides a full-time gifted program experience for students. In this setting, students receive their gifted services in self-contained classes alongside peers and are taught by gifted endorsed teachers. The major components of the Centers for Gifted Studies include depth and complexity, creative and critical thinking, leadership skills and supplemental gifted curriculum. Our gifted program allows students to fully access 2 magnet programs, as all students in the Center for Gifted Studies magnet also get to pick a focus area within the Center for the Arts magnet.
Program Expectations:
- Attendance: Students are expected to attend school regularly with minimal absences or tardies.
- Academics: Students are expected to maintain a 'C' average in each class per semester
- Behavior: Students are expected to follow all school rules, abide by the student Code of Conduct, and have minimal disciplinary infractions.
A plan of action will be developed for any students not meeting attendance, behavior and/or academic expectations.
General District Application Program Information:
If you have questions about District Application Programs, please contact the following email or phone at DAP@pcsb.org or 727-588-6210.
Magnet Contact Information
Magnet Coordinator: Kim Vongsyprasom
Email: vongsyprasomk@pcsb.org
Magnet Secretary: Lori Gillan
Email: gillanl@pcsb.org
Phone: 727-893-2400 x2036
2025 - School of EXCELLENCE National Merit Award!
John Hopkins Middle School has been promoted to School of Excellence by the Magnet Schools of America Association for the 2025 school year!
2022, 2023, 2024, School of Distinction Merit Award!
John Hopkins Middle School has been recognized as a School of Distinction association by the Magnet Schools of America Association for 2022, 2023, and 2024 school years! We are super excited and grateful to have these distinctions!