If you are interested in taking the SAT or ACT, you will need to register on your own by going to either www.collegeboard.org for the SAT or www.act.org for the ACT.
Boca Ciega High School Code: 101505
SAT Registration Information www.collegeboard.com
ACT Registration Information www.act.org
What about Fee Waivers?
Students who are coded eligible in FOCUS for Free/Reduced Lunch qualify to receive SAT/ACT Test Fee Waivers. If you believe you are eligible, you can complete a waiver request form found by CLICKING HERE. Students may receive 2 Fee Waivers per SAT and 4 Fee Waivers per ACT Test (for lifetime). Students who use Fee Waivers on SAT/ACT are also eligible to use a Fee Waiver for College Applications. All Fee Waiver questions should be directed to Ms. Milavickas, 727-893-2780.
What about accommodations?
**If you currently receive testing accommodations and would like to use them for the SAT/ACT, please ensure you start that process well in advance!**
Students requesting accommodations must complete the Accommodation Consent form and submit it to Ms. Milavickas. This only needs to be submitted one time.
For the ACT students need to register online for their test and indicate that they would like to use their accommodations. Most times our students select special testing at the school. Once they have completed that, they will receive an email from ACT that they must forward to Ms. Milavickas. Note, you must do this for EVERY ACT. ACT requires a review and approval for each test.
For the SAT parents only need a copy of the 504 information/plan (if 504) and IEP and psychological (if SPED). Submit information with registration for SAT. Registration is now done online, students need to make the request when registering and SAT will send an email to Ms. Milavickas. At this point, the request will be submitted. If approved for SAT accommodations, students do not need to resubmit, they will receive the same accommodations on all future tests.