Contact Information


    Feel free to reach us by e-mail or if you call our school number (727) 724-1462 you can enter any of the following extensions to be connected directly between 8:30am and 3:30pm.

    To reach Mrs. Merz, School Secretary/Bookkeeper  – press 2005

    To reach Mrs. Howard for technical assistance or information about a digital device – press 2312

    To reach Ms. Roth, Principal – press 2020 – e-mail: ROTHLI@PCSB.ORG

    To reach Mrs. Yowler, School Counselor – press 2060

    To reach Mrs. Zollars, Data Management Clerk for registration information – press 2007

    For all other information, please remain on the line or leave a detailed message with your name and phone number. Someone will direct your call.