Pinellas Central Elementary Physical Education

  • We are excited for another school year. Our goal is to have every child learn to live a healthy lifestyle. All lessons are age-appropriate and we alter the levels so every child has success. While students are in PE they are taught 3 guidelines.

    • Respect Others: Students are taught to treat others the way they want to be treated. In our class environment every student belongs and will be treated as such by all.     
    • Respect Equipment: We review the proper way to care for equipment during the first few weeks of school.
    • Respect Yourself: Students are taught to respect themselves by always trying their best.


    We will communicate physical education news to you by way of the monthly school newsletter.

    Being Fit Matters is the fitness test that will be administered to all students in the fall and spring.

    Here is how you can help your child be successful in physical education:

    • Have your child dress appropriately for the weather.
    • Make sure your child is wearing appropriate shoes. (Closed toes and heels, No raised heels)
    • Emphasize to your child the importance of a positive attitude and never giving up.
    • Encourage your child to practice physical education skills at home. The more they practice, the more skilled they will become.


    Be fit for life!