Pinellas Central Elementary Girls on the Run

  • Coaches:
    Coach Thigpen
    Coach Woodward
    Contact: 727-547-7853


    Meets Mondays and Wednesdays

    Session Flow:
    2:55 - Girls report to Art room
    2:55 - 3:15 - Snack/change clothes
    3:15:- 4:30 - GOTR Lesson
    4:30 - student pick up in car circle

    What to Wear:
    Running clothes
    Consider the weather
    Students will be given time to change 
    Running shoes and socks

    A light snack is provided.

    Water Bottles:
    Each girl will receive a water bottle.

    Please notify by phone or email if your 
    student is going home a different way than 

    A girl who is absent more than 4 times may 
    be removed from the program for the rest 
    of the season


    Late Pick Up:
    If late three times the girl will be removed 
    from the program for the rest of the season.

    GOTR is a researched-based international 
    youth development program. The program 
    focuses on learning self-confidence, 
    building positive peer relationships, and 
    helping our community. All while training for 
    a 5K.

    Community Impact Project:
    As a team, the girls will create, design, and 
    implement a project to give back to their 
    local community. 

    What’s Included for the Girls:
    Program materials, water bottle, T-shirt, 5k 
    celebration race registration, and Finisher 


    Running Buddy:
    Each girl will need a running buddy for the 
    5k. Must be 18 or older. Running buddies 
    will need to register separately for the 5k.

    Parent Communication:
    Grown Up Guides will be sent home. These 
    contain information related to our weekly 
    lessons. Also includes a 5k training 
    program for adults. Each family will receive 
    a weekly parent email letter home