• Our Human Rights

    By Susan Cummings

     I have the right to be happy and to be

     Treated with compassion in this school.

     This means that no one will Laugh at me or hurt my feelings.

    I have the right to be myself in this school:

    This means that no one will treat me unfairly

    Because of the color of my skin 

    Or because I am fat or thin,

    Short or tall, boy or girl

    Or the way I look.

    I have the right to be safe in this school:

    This means that no one will

     Hit me, kick me,

    Push me, pinch me

    Or hurt me.

    I have the right to hear and be heard in this school:

    This means no one will yell, scream, or shout.

     I have the right to learn about myself in this school:

    This means that I will be

    Free to express my feelings and opinions

     Without being interrupted or punished.

    I have a right to learn according to my own ability in school:

    This means that no one will call me names

    Because of the way I learn.

    These rights are also your rights:

    This means that in this school you and I will

     Share together, learn together, work together, have fun together!