School Advisory Committee

  • School Advisory Committee
    SAC meets monthly!
    Highland Lakes Elementary Advisory Committee
    What is SAC?

    The School Advisory Committee (SAC) is made up of the Principal Mrs. Croze, parents, faculty, support personnel, community members, and PTA, representing our school, ethnic, racial, and socio-economic diversity. This group is charged with assisting in the preparation, implementation, and evaluation of our school improvement plan, a document that outlines goals and strategies to enhance academic excellence. The committee meets monthly and assists with activities in the interim.

    SAC Agenda and Upcoming Meeting Dates

    What Happens at SAC Meetings?
    The School Advisory Committee meets to review and discuss various topics that effect our students, staff, and school. These can include our school improvement plan, student attendance, discipline, PTA, the SAC budget, etc.
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    What are SAC's rules of order?

    SAC By-Laws 2022

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    How can I learn more about SAC?
    Pinellas County has an organization that links the SACs and provides valuable guidance on their operations. Information from this organization, Pinellas SAC Association, is available at the following link:
    Please feel free to ask questions and share your ideas and concerns with the SAC chair, HLE administration, or other members of this committee. We benefit from input from our families, teachers, and community members.
    All SAC meetings are open to the public and subject to Sunshine Laws.