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Center for Cultural Arts, Gifted Studies, and Literacy Innovation

Frequently Asked Questions


1. What are the school hours for next year?

Our hours for students are 8:35am-3:45 pm.


2. Will there be transportation?

Buses are available for students who live in the Middle South Zone. If your middle school zone is: Azalea, Bay Point, John Hopkins, Meadowlawn, or Tyrone, then buses will be available.


3. What are School Wide Enrichment Clusters?

Midtown Academy uses a personal interest software system with all of our students in order to survey and assess what students are passionate about, and from these surveys student enrichment clusters are formed. These groups will work together in a hands-on brains on way to explore their topic of choice and create original products. Clusters will meet once a week during school hours.


4. Will there be extra Art and Music time?

Yes, every student will receive art twice a week and music twice a week. Students will also have PE daily and recess.


5. What is the difference between the Cultural Arts Magnet, Literacy Innovation  and the Gifted Magnet?

The Cultural Arts Magnet will utilize the culture at our backdoor in downtown St. Petersburg to open up the world to our students. This will involve field trips, educational partnerships with museums, extra art & music time and weekly enrichment clusters. Every student at Midtown Academy experiences the Culture Arts side of the Magnet. Additionally, the Gifted students will be grouped together in homogenous classes with likeminded individuals where the academics will be at their intellectual level and will have gifted strategies integrated into their content. Additional time will also be spent on specific critical and creative thinking strategies, social emotional needs, and working on the gifted goals.  The Center For Literacy Innovation at Midtown Academy, provides a systematic, multisensory, structured approach to literacy instruction.  Students will have opportunities for remediation in reading, writing and math.