Healthy Snacks

Healthy Snack Suggestions


Children in school should have healthy snack choices to allow them the best opportunity for learning and growth. Please consider healthy snacks from the list below to optimize learning in the classroom. These snacks would be appropriate for daily snacks or birthday treats (we do not have birthday parties in class and do not allow cake, cookies or cupcakes).

Thank you,

- Fresh fruits (bananas, apples, pears, grapes)

- Canned fruits (in natural or light juices)

- Fresh vegetables (baby carrots, broccoli, celery sticks)

- 100% juice boxes or unsweetened fruit juice

- Dried fruit (raisins, craisins, banana chips)

- Granola

- Trail mix

- Applesauce cups

- Nuts or seeds-almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts

- Crackers (goldfish, teddy grahams, animal, graham)

- Pretzels

- Baked chips, baked veggie chips, baked tortilla chips

- Cereal bars , granola bars, oatmeal bars

- Mini-muffins, bagels or English muffins

- Low fat cheese, cheese sticks

- Yogurt

- Sugar free gelatin cups

- Individually wrapped rice krispie treats