Loving Every Growth Opportunity
Vision: 100% Student Success
Mission: Educate and prepare each student for a life of purpose
∗We are the STARS!∗
Please contact our Principal Katie Csaszar at csaszark@pcsb.org with any inquiries!
Good Afternoon, Paul B families. This is Principal Katie Csaszar with an important message. Today, Friday November 8th, 2024, our school conducted a practice emergency drill. The drill was successfully conducted with staff members guiding students through the appropriate actions for preparedness. Drills like this help everyone to know what to do should an actual emergency occur. The safety and security of our students and staff remains our top priority. If you have any questions about the recent emergency drill, please contact the school at 727-725-7982. We appreciate your ongoing support and partnership in maintaining a safe environment for our entire school community.
Thank you.
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Buenas tardes, familias de Paul B. Estas fueron las palabras expresadas por la directora Katie Csaszar con un mensaje importante. Hoy, viernes 8 de noviembre de 2024, nuestra escuela realizó un simulacro de emergencia de práctica. El simulacro se llevó a cabo con éxito y los miembros del personal guiaron a los estudiantes a través de las acciones apropiadas para la preparación. Simulacros como este ayudan a todos a saber qué hacer en caso de que ocurra una emergencia real. La seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal sigue siendo nuestra principal prioridad. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el reciente simulacro de emergencia, comuníquese con la escuela al 727-725-7982. Agradecemos su continuo apoyo y colaboración para mantener un entorno seguro para toda nuestra comunidad escolar.
Good Evening Paul B! This is your Principal, Katie Csaszar! The first week of school was a great success! Students and staff are settling into routines for the year.
Thank you for your continued understanding of our new safety procedures. While these are required, the most important part is that they help to keep everyone safe.
This year Paul B Stephens has been identified as a Title 1 school! A Title 1 designation provides federal dollars to schools in order to help support student success. More information will be shared at our open house. This event will also serve as our Title 1 annual meeting.
Our open house will be Thursday, August 29th. We will begin as a group in the cafeteria at 6pm before families move on to classrooms to visit with teachers. More information on open house will be coming as the date approaches.
Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Good Evening Families! This is your Principal Katie Csaszar with important and exciting messages.
The Kiwanis Club Top of the Bay has supported the students, families, and staff of Paul B Stephens with Zoo Day for many years. This year they have planned for an opportunity for everyone to visit the Clearwater Marine Aquarium! This includes ALL Paul B Stephens students and their families as well as all Paul B Stephens staff and their families. Aquarium day will be Saturday March 23rd, 2024! Information regarding signing up for tickets will be available soon! This is FREE of charge for everyone! Thank you to The Kiwanis Club for their continued support.
Friday March 1st is our Walk and Roll-a-thon here at Paul B Stephens. We are currently accepting donations from parents, friends, and sponsors. The donation form is included in the email version of this message and a copy will be coming home with students as well. We are looking forward to an exciting event. Parents/guardians are welcome to attend and walk or roll with their child. If you are planning on attending, please let your child’s teacher know and be sure to come to the front office to check in on the day of the event prior to joining your child outside.
Thank you and have a great evening!
Katie Csaszar
Paul B Stephens School
Good Evening Paul B Families! This is your Principal Katie Csaszar with information on upcoming events and information!
This coming week is KINDNESS WEEK! Flyers have gone home with students with the listing of events.
As a reminder,
Monday is color the world with kindness! Wear your favorite color or tie dye.
Tuesday is Wild about kindness! Wear animal print or camouflage
Wednesday is kindness makes the heart grow! Wear red or pink clothing.
Thursday is Spread Disney-like kindness. Wear your favorite Disney t-shirt!
Friday 2/16 and Monday 2/19 are both non-student days. We welcome students back on Tuesday 2/20.
The Garden Girls Mum and Hydrangea sale is continuing. Orders must be submitted by February 20th. Please contact Lori Head at headl@pcsb.org for more information.
Coming up on March 1st is our Walk ad Roll a thon here at Paul B Stephens! Flyers/order forms went home with students last week and another will be coming home on Monday this coming week.
The mum and hydrangea and the walk-a-thon order forms are both attached to the email version of this message.
Good Evening Paul B Families! This is your Principal, Katie Csaszar!
As a reminder, we are celebrating literacy week this week. Today was Hats of to Reading! We enjoyed seeing many students and staff wear their favorite hats to school! Tomorrow is Techie Tuesday where students will have the opportunity to use a variety of technology to engage in literacy instruction. Reading adds color to our world! Wednesday students can wear their favorite color to school! Thursday we will engage in a Pen Pal activity with a local school. Friday students can come to school dressed like their favorite book character!
Garden girls are doing it again, but this time it’s a spring sale!
They are pre-selling Hydrangea and Mums (6-inch pots). Order forms will be coming home with students starting this week.
The Mums are $11, and the Hydrangeas are $13. Please submit check or cash by February 19. Checks should be made payable to Paul B Stephens School. Delivery of the flowers will be the week of March 18 (the week we come back from spring break).
Don’t miss out on a chance to buy beautiful flowers and support our school!
A gently reminder to please maintain the speed limit when driving near the school. We want to be sure all students, families, and staff remain safe.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good Evening Paul B Families! This is Principal Katie Csaszar with a few quick reminders.
We hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving Holiday! We look forward to welcoming students back to school tomorrow, Monday, November 27th.
As a reminder School Picture retakes will be Wednesday November 29th. If your child did not have their picture taken on the original date or you wish to have it retaken, please let your child's teacher know so they can plan for that to happen. Cap and gown pictures will be taken of our graduates on this day as well.
We have a few fun events coming up in December including a Holiday Make and Take on the evening of December 7th. This is an opportunity for students to make a variety of holiday themed crafts to take home. There will also be holiday treats to enjoy as well. In addition, there will be a Holiday Music Show on December 15th. More information will be coming home in the coming weeks related to both events.
Good Afternoon Families!
We love to have volunteers lend a helping hand here at school. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at Paul B Stephens, please complete the district volunteer forms on the link provided below. We have many events coming up and would greatly appreciate your support! https://asd.pcsb.org/schoolwiresforms/volunteer/
If you have any questions about becoming a volunteer, please contact Heather Ball-Parks by email at ballh@pcsb.org or call 727/725-7982
Hi Paul B Stephens families! This is your Principal, Katie Csaszar, with a few reminders!
Tomorrow, Thursday October 26th, is Wear Pink Day here at Paul B! Students are welcome to wear pink clothing to school. This event helps to increase Breast Cancer awareness.
This Friday, October 27th is our 1st annual Trunk or Treat. The event will be from 6-8pm here at Paul B. Parking will be available at the church across the street from the school. When parking, please follow the signs to park in the proper area.
Tuesday October 31st at 11am is our Halloween parade. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend. All attendees are required to check in to the front office prior to viewing the parade. As a reminder, photography is NOT permitted during the event. This is to ensure confidentiality of all students.
Our Food Drive is continuing. If you wish to donate any non-perishable food items, you may send them in with your student or drop them off in the front office.
The Great American Teach In is Wednesday, November 15th. We have a few opportunities for additional volunteers/presentations. Please contact your student's teacher if you are interested.
We have several additional activities and events happening in November including the Thanksgiving Lunch, the Paul B Stephens Market, and Picture Retakes. Flyers and additional notices will be coming home with students in the next few weeks. Please continue to check folders and backpacks for these items. Some of them require a response ahead of the event.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday evening for our Trunk or Treat!
Thank you and have a great evening!
Good Evening Paul B Stephens Families! This is your Principal, Katie Csaszar!
Please take a moment to take our annual library stakeholder survey. This will help determine what types of materials and activities you'd like to see in our media center. This survey is open to all families, students, and staff. The link to complete the survey is embedded in the email version of this message.
Don’t miss out on ordering Poinsettias for the holidays! As a reminder, orders for Poinsettias are due by tomorrow, Friday, October 20th. The order form is embedded in the email version of this message.
Our Thanksgiving Food Drive is in Full Swing! We are collecting non-perishable food items, such as canned or boxed foods. To contribute, you may send in items to donate with your student. Please include a note indicating the items to be donated. You may also drop off the items in the front office of the school.
Our First Annual Trunk or Treat will be on Friday, October 27th from 6-8pm, here at Paul B Stephens. There will be music, haunted story time, pictures, food, and more! You don't want to miss it!! The flyer for this event is embedded in the email version of this message.
Hello Paul B Stephens Families! This is Katie Csaszar, Principal of Paul B Stephens! We have several exciting things happening in October!
Thank you for your understanding of needing to reschedule picture day. Picture Day is now Wednesday, October 11th. The same order forms can be used. As a reminder, you can complete the form you received and send in payment or pay online by going to www.leonards.com/photoprepay. When prompted for a school access code, please use C633575.
Our Poinsettia Sales are continuing. Orders must be received by October 20th. If you are receiving an email version of this message, the flyer is attached. Flyers will also be going home with students within the next few days. [/pinellas/emailattachment.php?id=115039&caid=54000&name=Poinsettia%20order%20form%202023-2024.docx]Poinsettia order form 2023-2024.docx
On Friday, October 27th we will be having our 1st Annual Trunk or Treat event here at Paul B Stephens. Families can choose to decorate the trunk of their car and hand out candy or simply come for the fun! There will be music, haunted story time, pictures, food, and more! You don't want to miss it!! More information is coming very soon. [/pinellas/emailattachment.php?id=115040&caid=54001&name=Trunk%20or%20Treat%20Save%20the%20Date.pdf]Trunk or Treat Save the Date.pdf
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good Evening Paul B Stephens! This is your Principal, Katie Csaszar!
Picture Day is Thursday September 21st! Order forms were sent home with students today. Leonard’s Photography has been a great support of our school and we are so happy they are helping us again this year!
We are having our 2nd Annual Poinsettia Sale! Our Garden Girls from Lori Head’s class will be taking orders. The poinsettias will be delivered when we get back from Thanksgiving break, no later than December 7. We will have 6.5” red, 6.5” pink, and 6.5” white. We are also going to have 8” red and 10” red.
The 6.5” red, white and pink are $12. The 8” red will be $20 and the 10” red will be $25.
An order form is included in the email version of this message. All orders should be submitted with payment by October 20, 2023. Cash or checks are accepted. Checks should be made payable to Paul B Stephens School.
Thank you for supporting our Garden girls. Please contact Lori Head at headl@pcsb.org for more information.
An important message regarding wheelchair repairs at school:
Over the years and as a courtesy to parents, we have allowed various wheelchair vendors to come to school to make minor repairs and adjustments to wheelchairs. These repairs should only be for equipment the child uses at school and we prefer that they are taken care of at home whenever possible. However, we understand that emergencies do happen and that your child may need to be seen for such a repair at school. In order to prevent an interruption to classroom instruction, it is imperative that an appointment is made with the school first (either with a therapist or the classroom teacher). We must have advanced notice of any wheelchair vendors coming to school. In addition, every outside vendor that comes to our school must have Level II clearance from the school board. We do not take any responsibility for any repairs or adjustments. Please contact your child’s wheelchair vendor to follow up after the repairs are complete.
Thank you and have a great evening.
Good Evening, Paul B Stephens Families! This is your Principal, Katie Csaszar, with a few important messages! Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!
We are excited to welcome students starting tomorrow, August 10th!
If you are bringing your child to school by car each day, staff will be available starting at 9:50am to assist with arrival from the car circle.
Students that are arriving to school by bus are greeted by staff at the bus circle as buses arrive.
A warm welcome to our new Assistant Principal, Amie Crosby! We are so happy she has joined the Paul B Stephens family!
We are utilizing Student Planners this year instead of Communication Sheets. Each student should be coming home with a student planner starting tomorrow. This planner should travel to and from school each day with your student and will serve as the home to school communication.
Breakfast AND Lunch are FREE this year for ALL students. If your child brings their lunch from home, they are still encouraged to have a fruit and a juice provided by the cafeteria staff if they choose.
Our Open House will be held on August 31st! This will be a chance to hear updates regarding our school as well as meet your child’s teacher and other school staff. More information coming soon regarding open house.
We are looking forward to great 2023-2024 school year!!!
Thank you.
In this IT Factor - Inspiring Teachers video, Ileana Liss, Physical Therapist for Paul B. Stephens Exceptional Student Education Center, is inspired by her coworkers and students.
In this IT Factor - Inspiring Teachers video, Mary Jo Ferretti from Paul B. Stephens Exceptional Student Center shares her passion for occupational therapy and her students.
In this IT Factor - Inspiring Teachers video, Keila Hernandez, the occupation therapist for Paul B. Stephens Exceptional Student Education Center, believes the students she works with are unique and special.
Our first annual 5K Fun Run and Roll (Sponsored by Anclote Charters) was a huge success!